Reviews for Out of the Ashes
Spawn chapter 13 . 22h
I don't think Noah realizes just how much he is like both his Mother and his Father. He runs away from his problems, just like his father, and uses drugs and alcohol to numb his feelings, just like his Mother did. He says he wants to be there for his siblings and protect them, but bails every time he has the chance to put his money where his mouth is. He really sucks as a brother.

Your flashbacks gut me. 13 year old Santana being pulled out of school to go to her Grandmother's funeral and ending up trying to hold her Mother together, a position she should never have been put in. Little 7 year old Santana realizing that her baby sister is always excluded from fun days with Dad and angered by the unfairness of it. Little Noah blaming his little sister for their father's failures.

Quinn breaks my heart. That child is entirely too used to suffering in silence. I hope that Shelby has Quinn's birth Father's info some where in her papers. Quinn deserves answers. I also hope hope she lets Emma in and allows herself to be comforted, held, and loved. No child should feel unwanted and unloved.

I'm going to need to invest in Kleenex at this rate if you keep ripping my heart out with each update. Great job and thanks for sharing.
Forever Courage chapter 13 . 23h
Great chapter! So much drama going down. Can't wait for the next one!
Guest chapter 13 . 10/14
AMAZING as usual! I get so excited when I get the update notification, but then so sad because I know once I finish it I have to wait for the next update and I hate waiting for this story! It is just soooo good.

I think Santana and Noah, or at least Santana, will cave and see Alex while he’s in town. Maybe she’ll get a few answers that will help her understand or be satisfied, but knowing Santana that may not be the case at all and she might end up angrier than ever!

Poor Rachel and Blaine. They’re so young and rightfully have so many questions, but their questions unintentionally ending up hurting others. I’m so glad Santana always does her best to be there and be honest with them.

LOVED the porch scene with Santana and Noah. Santana is right, their relationship is so focused on protecting their younger siblings, we’ve never seen them truly bond outside of that. It was great to see them talk about their dad and bond a little more.

Quinn and Emma’s scene was really important I felt. Quinn has never expressed how she’s felt to anyone but herself. It’s sad to imagine Emma learning her sister became as cruel as she did. I think Santana and Quinn are both very slowly starting to crack and trust Emma, so I wonder how long it is before each girls secrets are revealed. I think Santana has conditioned herself to hold things in no matter how much they hurt. Quinn too.. she isolated and disassociates, but being younger and more vulnerable I wonder if she’ll confide more in Emma and send things snowballing...

Sooooo excited for the next update. This story is one of the very few things that I look forward to during this pandemic and keep me going. I hope you’ll post again very soon :)
QuinntanaEndgame chapter 13 . 10/14
Loved it. Got very excited to see the email this story was updated and I’m definitely looking forward to the next.
Guest chapter 13 . 10/14
Thank you for updating again! I was worried for a bit that you might not because your writing is phenomenal and I’m hooked on this story.

All the flashbacks bring so much character to the story and Santana and Quinn’s insecurity over Alex was heartbreaking to see

I know it’s probably still to get worse especially for Quinn and Santana and I’ll probably she’s a few more tears but I can’t wait to see what more you write. Till your next update :)
Anon123 chapter 13 . 10/14
You’re back! I was getting worried there for a little while. This story is just incredible. You’re writing is truly remarkable. It’s the little details that suck me in and nearly break my heart the most! It’s devastating to read that Alex doesn’t really seem like a monster, and instead was a young guy in over his head who made really horrible decisions - including deciding his ex wife’s funeral was a good time to try and rekindle a relationship with his children.

Each one of the flashbacks in this chapter got me good. They provide such a deeper understanding of the present emotions. Totally gut-wrenching.

I have to admit, you caused a few tears for me when Quinn asked if Alex had asked for her. I mean... that just cut through me. This poor girl.

I was so happy that Emma finally felt a little reassurance that even though things will not be easy, they will end up being okay. I’m so glad she’s in this for the long haul. What she’s doing- taking in five distraught, broken kids with varying layers of trauma that at this point she knows hardly anything about, is not easy. I’m glad she’s gaining the confidence in herself because lord knows she’s gonna need it!

Just an amazing chapter all around. I could go on and on about each section. You just do such an incredible job writing these characters, the kids in particular, and I feel so connected to each of them.

I beg of you, don’t lose motivation! This story is so much more than just a fan fiction. Please, oh please, update soon!
Guest chapter 12 . 9/27
I keep coming back because it’s such an amazing story! I hope Santana and Noah’s dad isn’t going to try for custody of them because splitting them up is going to be heart wrenching , also can’t wait to see how Santana and Quinn’s abuse is revealed , I was reading other comments and seen abortion mentioned and I would believe it was one of them that would of had it. Can’t wait for your next update :) !
Guest chapter 12 . 9/23
Wow! Hope you update again soon. This story is amazing!
Forever Courage chapter 12 . 9/17
Great story! Can't wait to see what happens next!
Guest chapter 12 . 9/10
I love this story and the way you write do realistically the feelings and situations. Quinn and Santana stories are so sad and it broke my hear. Not child should be told they ré unwanted or a mistake, no mother should make their child question their life.

A comment mentioned abortion, I was thinking about it a lot too and was wondering it it wasn't actually Quinn? Since we now know he also abused Quinn, could she be the one pregnant and it's how Sanata, Noah, Emma and Will will find out about her sexual abuse and by extend Santana abuse.
Guest chapter 12 . 9/9
I have nothing to say other than this story is fantastic and so well written. Thank you for gifting us with it! I constantly find myself checking for the newest update even though it’s only been a few days. I love every single one of the siblings so much. I can’t wait to read more!
Boris Yeltsin chapter 12 . 9/7
Loved it, though I have a lot of catching up to do. Blind Glee fan. I can imagine writing dark topics like this can't be easy.
Guest chapter 12 . 9/7
Holy crap this story is just amazing!

Thank you for the refresher on the kids ages. They are all so young it’s so sad. I hate how strong they all think they need to be for each other, even the little ones. No one wants to cry when really, they need to. I’m glad Quinn was able to have a moment to let it out. No one should have to question their existence. And to read her worst fear would be her siblings looking at her as to why their lives were ruined was sooo so sad. I want to give her eternal hugs.

I also just love Santana. I am so ready for the next chapter to see what the return of she and Noah’s father will bring for them all. Don’t make us wait too long on a cliffhanger like that! Can’t wait for more!
Spawn chapter 12 . 9/6
Seriously?! You rip my heart out, stomp on it, tear it to shreds, and then leave me with a freaking cliff hanger! That's just not right!

I think Blaine and Rachel was the most the ones who were most identifiable with how most people feel about funerals. They may be children, but their pain, confusion, and desire to be any where else at that moment is relatable.

Kitty was pretty wise for a 14 year old with no experience dealing with death or abuse. Shelby was truly awful to Quinn; no child should grow up knowing they are unwanted or a mistake, or told that they ruined their Mother's life. She doesn't even have any memories of Shelby as a loving Mom to her like the one in Noah's flashback.

I thought Emma's eulogy was good. I'm glad that she didn't make Shelby look like some paragon of virtue or the perfect Mother, when the woman clearly wasn't any of those things in the last several years of her life. She was right about one thing though, her children were the best part of her.

NOW their father chooses to show up? Where the fuck has he been all of this time? Why come back now? Does he want custody of Santana and Noah or to be involved in their lives, or did he just pop up to make their lives hell for a while before he disappears again? I need answer, damn it!

You torture me and yet I come back and beg for more. I must be a closet sadomasochist. Great job, as always and thanks for sharing.
Anon123 chapter 12 . 9/6
Oh my goodness! Another incredible chapter. You truly keep outdoing yourself. I loved every inch of this chapter from Noah’s beach memory to Quinn’s breakdown, to that ending!

It’s so heartbreaking to read about the kids (in particular Noah, Santana, and Quinn’s) conflicting feelings toward their mother. They all need closure for different reasons and will never get it from the source. It’s heartbreaking.

Ahhh! I just can’t wait to see where you take this. Was so happy to see the update. Hope the next one comes soon!
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