Reviews for Min Søster Bursdagskake
elsannaisbae chapter 6 . 8/6
Truly one of the greats! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! What a way to end the story.

"… does that make this pound-cake?" "fork holder" I laughed out loud in my hotel room.. can't express how awesome this experience has been. I wish you the best, till next time, solong.
Judymicheal chapter 6 . 7/31
Wow, that Jelsa reference was so bold. Very clever.
butterscotchSynonym chapter 6 . 7/30
What a wonderful, sweet, humorous, sexy, chocolate frosted ending you've blessed us with. Though I haven't been with this fic from the start, I have to say it's amazing that you decided to finish it off even if it was years late.
I must say, the "No, that's not a thing" line was hella funny, and I definitely enjoyed the Frozen 2 refs!
Absolutely awesome work! This definitely made my day :3
RicSanchez8 chapter 6 . 7/29
Wow! Perfect final for an extraordinary fic! Thank you so much for sharing this story, it was a lot of fun! :)
ObscureAbsurdity chapter 1 . 7/13
I mean... wow. Kinky stuff.
glittering-snowfall chapter 5 . 7/12
You mention in your author's note that your writing style has changed in the intervening years, and while reading this, I thought about how fascinating it must have been to return to it. This story has a special place in my heart and I know you're probably used to tongue-in-cheek comments about it, but I will ALWAYS remember this fic for the heartbreaking and deeply emotional parts of it - the exploration of feelings of isolation and loss. You conveyed those beautifully.

I loved this chapter, loved the grandiose way you wrote Elsa's dialogue at points, had a biting, "Ha!" for Hans, and the act of true love was beautiful.

Thank you for this, and for all your contributions to this fandom, and for your beautiful writing across different fandoms and elsewhere. hank you.
Poetheather1 chapter 5 . 6/28
Great ending!
Obsessive Imaginings chapter 5 . 6/27
Wow finished after a several year Hiatus. My respects to your sticktoitiveness. Appreciate and like the story.
LadyLazarus115 chapter 5 . 6/26
lol gey
Rdaneel999 chapter 5 . 6/26
This was just beautiful and something I have waited for years, hoping against hope for this story to be completed. I love your characterization of Anna and Elsa. Even after all this time, it feels as fresh and sincere as the first time I discovered your fic. Their romantic and tender moments are so well realized that I cherish each one of them while I read them, and I'm so glad with the resolution you gave to their relationship. I thank you immensely for writing this story in the first place, and for giving us closure at last. You have no idea how happy I am after reading this.

"That's a whole lot of Greek." That cracked me up so hard! Thankfully I was alone or I would have woken up somebody.

Thanks again for everything and have a wonderful life!
Guest chapter 5 . 6/25
Woooo! Suck it Hans! Looking forward to the epilogue
buttersym chapter 5 . 6/25
WOW, 2020 update! Amazing!
Awesome conclusion, the scene at the dungeon was so exciting(and hilarious)! Also, love the lil references to the Frozen shorts and sequel.
Gundam Deathscythe Hell chapter 5 . 6/25
I can’t believe this was updated. I loved this so much. Thank you for continuing this legendary fic. I loved how the plot evolved, how you took Hans’ betrayal in a slightly different path. I loved the sisters’ confrontation in the cell, the feelings that came out were spot on. I loved the ending when Elsa is so open with her live for Anna, so refreshing. I loved how elsa got angry when Anna called herself dumb, you know Elsa loves Anna deeply. And most of all I loved Anna’s unwavering devotion; Anna being pure love as always. Still can’t stop smiling.
MelonSquishie chapter 5 . 6/25
Thanks so much for the update 3
TheSnowQueenElsaOfArendelle chapter 5 . 6/25
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