Reviews for If This Is All A Dream
AgentKalGibbs chapter 20 . 7/10/2019
This story is beyond awesome, and I have in fact stayed up hours later than I should’ve just so I could keep reading :)
AgentKalGibbs chapter 18 . 7/10/2019
! Oh shit!
AgentKalGibbs chapter 16 . 7/10/2019
Cal is an idiot.
AgentKalGibbs chapter 12 . 7/10/2019
Uh oh, naughty Cal...
sash queen of the jungle chapter 20 . 7/29/2017
Wow just caught up with this story. Wow. To are they together and cal just needs to vow Gillian. Is a little miracle going to happen because they didn't use protection? More please?
Tangledupandsideways chapter 20 . 11/19/2016
This is my second time reading and I realised I haven't left a review. This is an excellent story. The pacing is wonderful, so is the use of language. The characters are developed in such a unique way, yet they still feel themselves. I think that that is perhaps the most admirable achievement of this fic. I also love the ending. I find that a lot of people write Gillian as weaker than I see her, just blindly bending to Cal's every whim, but she's got her heart to protect here. I think she'd be pretty fierce in doing so. Basically, I love the story, I love you. I wish you were still writing in this fandom. Where've you gone?
Pogo5715 chapter 20 . 3/26/2015
Such a captivating story, I am enjoying it. You do angst nicely. Do actually write books as well? The kind people get paid for? I am new to this Fanfiction thing. Thanks so much, I could not put it down!
Guest chapter 20 . 3/24/2015
Loved this! Thsnks.
Clarebear chapter 20 . 1/25/2015
Hey PJ,
Where have you gone? I'm really wanting more of this wonderful story, you know i love your stories :). Please update again sooooonnnnnn :)
Guest chapter 20 . 1/10/2015
Update please:)
Guest chapter 20 . 1/7/2015
Amazing ! I really liked your text (read it the whole story in 2 days, actually this is the first kind of book I've read in english (I'm french)) and I think you should keep writing because this is great (I liked everything : the storyline, the rythm, the relationship between Cal and Gillian), so thank you for sharing it ! ;)
Stirn20 chapter 20 . 11/16/2014
Another absolutely fantastic chapter. You never fail to suck me in to your stories and into your characters worlds. You do such an amazing job writing these characters. You continue to keep them in character story after story and chapter after chapter, yet you also develop them, mature them, and take them in different directions than the characters we got to see on the show. I absolutely love the way in which you wrote this… I was reading as fast as I could yet hoping it wouldn't be over. You make me feel all of the emotions that both character is feeling and I completely empathize with both of them even though they are conflicting on so many levels. You make me cheer for them as individuals and as a couple. Fantastic. I tend to reread your other stories often, particularly the You Don't Lie to Me series, and they never get old to me. I love your realistic telling of stories and the way you can elicit so many emotions. I am certainly not expecting a sequel to this, but I certainly would not be disappointed if you decided to grace us with one. Or with another story! I will always be willing to read whatever you write.
BananaOnALlama chapter 20 . 11/16/2014
For the record, I think this chapter makes a nice happy ending.
Honestly, I didn't even hope for a perfect ending like this. I guess I expected more drama. Can you imagine how surprised I was seeing such a different Cal. His energy is definitely different and I like it. He's more aware, conscious and warm and relaxed and it feels so good! Here's that glimpse of the saga Cal I absolutely love. That his energy of a better man. Although he's far from being there in this chapter, it's so full of warmth and hope! That's what makes the ending perfect: hope. The very first yellow brick of the road to the Emerald city. And I want to believe that Cal and Gill will get there together. Because she's still here and he finally got his head out of his ass.
As much as I'd like it not to be this way, I think love, only love is not enough.
It's easy to love someone: be completely smitten with somebody's personality, all the little quirks and virtues and flaws. But it takes a hell lot more than just love to be in relationship, to be accepting and patient and brave enough to let someone in and conscious enough to make the relationship wholesome.
Cal started with simple loving and I'm happy to see that he finally understood what he'll have to do to be with Gillian. To be someone she doesn't need, but really wants to keep around for a very long time. Then again, if she didn't keep him around, who else would love her the way Cal does? He's an asshat and most of the time doesn't know what to do with his love, but it doesn't make his love any less real or true. I'm so glad Gill is still here.
I'm so glad she's more in love than she thinks she is.
So, fingers crossed they'll make it.
I'm such a sucker for happy shiny endings!
Thank you PJ for the brilliant story and for another portion of emotions, feelings, butterflies and wantings to punch Cal and kiss Gill :)
BananaOnALlama chapter 19 . 10/21/2014
Well... At first it was confusing (I totally thought they'd end up somewhere behind a desolate building digging their own graves but we all know PJ is much better than this ;)
I'm glad they're back into the real world (and the whole Colorado affair looks like a dream even more in this chapter). Although it's awkward, it's not that awkward. Call still loves and wants Gill and Gill is still confused about her feelings but wants him too. They're sill eager to be together and that's great.
However there's still this feeling of another shoe ready to drop. Because really, there had been a lot of close calls and things that could have made Cal reconsider his priorities and his desire to be with Gill in their life. So... she doesn't need flashy cars or some different place. She just wants Cal. The Cal that would be still insufferable at times but also would be her rock, the permanent, steady and true one. But I don't think Cal gets it. He's ready to move somewhere else, but what's the use of it when he will be the same? We witnessed it in Colorado. He's ready to do a lot for the woman he loves but he's not ready to put his own shit together for her sake. I think that's tragic.
Because she loves him. But somehow the lack of love is not an issue here.
I admire Gill nevertheless. For her confused love, for her loyalty and her hope.
Kathleen O'Neil chapter 19 . 10/19/2014
Feeling like a zombie - yeah - I know it well... I can also say that I'm feeling like I'm resurrecting when I have to get up in the morning... But back to your story: who would thought that of the two of them Gillian will be that one who would have a seconds thought or doubts: "she maybe loves him in some way"? Well, that's quite surprise I must say - but again: we (I) read your story because we (I) want to be surprised :) If I would know what will happen why should I even read your words, right? I also know that Gillian's thoughts are really mature - she needs to be sure before she speak out loud - but I just assumed that Gillian loves Cal - you know - because of Callian fandom - but that's my mistake - this is your story and your vision - and in this vision - Gillian had to be sure first - which is not wrong - but it's new for my imagination :) Again: it's mature about her. I hope that in nest chapter they will talk and... yeah, then what? I guess I would let them some intimacy, some love making (from Cal's point of view) and some love making with a bit affraid (from Gill's perspective). But of course Cal's ability to make Gill feel not to think would be a good one for her sake. They worked it out so hard after all, so... Or maybe sex first and talk later - so it could be more complicated - because Cal wouldn't be thrilled about Gill's confession. Either way - I want to read another chapter! :) (even if it's to soon to leave court - Gill hadn't testimony yet...). I guess there could be some Zoe part here too - but maybe it's to stereotypical - court: Zoe - you know. And Emily - I wish there could be some Emily and Gillian scene - with heart and cute and love - but again (and again): I know that's not that kind of story. Are you Gill/Em fan at all? I remember that in Saga Emily wasn't so close with Gill (which is not bad - I'm just curious). Maybe we'll get some Gill/Em and Gill/Cal story in the future? Who knows :)
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