Reviews for Nothing In This World Will Ever Break My Heart Again
Another Night Without You chapter 1 . 12/5/2014
Ahh I like it! It's a really sad Kurda moment :( Nice work
Anonymous chapter 1 . 3/1/2014
There is promise here. I usually don't care for that vampire stuff and the fake anime or whatever you call it. But if you wrote something about people, I would definitely read it. Just a little less adjectives (makes it sound childish) and it would be good. I think you need to go further with writing. I hope you don't give up and get a big break sometime. With a little constructive criticism you will be someone one day.
Blood Red Youth chapter 1 . 1/31/2014
Ahh there is just never enough of Mika and Arrow in the fan world. This is one of the first things that came to mind when I considered Mika/Kurda - I used to be an oldschool Kurda/Gavner fan because it was so tragic, Kurda having to choose his duties and his beliefs over the man he loved, but with Mika it's kind of EVEN MORE tragic. I loved the mantra in the middle, Mika trying to convince himself that even though this felt wrong it was actually the right thing to do, and of course the Mika and Arrow friendship at the end was perfect too. This was insanely angsty but I really enjoyed it! Really wish more people would explore the Princes so it's always a special treat to find a new fix about any of them, especially by you!
B xxx
Elenafromthewoods chapter 1 . 1/31/2014
Thor reference
"It is not wise to be near me right now" - Loki
"I am not known for my wisdom" - Thor
Post death of female character that shall remain unnamed.
Well done - you've moved into the angst section of fanfiction! Remember when you said you'd never ever write slash (ESPECIALLY not with Mika and Kurda, who you loved and hated in equal measures?) But this little ficlet is great, I love it, and I think specifically because it is just a moment of pain that can be captured. On some criticism - you deliberately shied away from graphic detail - I suppose I would too, I mean, this is a heartbreaking scene, and quite frankly, a very cruel one. It wasn't in the books for a reason. And you can either go for the effect of Mika not wanting to face it, and leave out the details, but then I would build up the little things just before and after more, the wall he is staring at, the feeling of the rope, etc, just for more contrast and show that he is actively avoiding it. The other way is showing that he can't close it out, and give us some of the cruel gore, make the reader hurt a bit, and you will also get that closer to the emotions. As it is right now, it's a tiny bit brushed over. Finally, I think you are faltering just a little towards the end in the 'show don't tell' parts, for example 'not that it matters now' or Mika's emotional responses 'grateful' , 'annoyed' , to everything that Arrow says. We can work out how he feels from his reactions already, so there's no need for you to add a word for it, and it gets more powerful if you don't. :) These are of course very advanced bits of criticism which really just shows how good of a writer you've become over the last 50 fics - congratulations on that!
Soo, a little review from me as a present.
SweetLittleOldLady chapter 1 . 1/31/2014
Congratulations on your 50th story! This is just heartbreaking - I'm writing my review with tears streaming down my face. As you well know Arra is my favourite character but she is closely followed by Mika and Kurda and I love the way you write them whether it is humour or tragedy. I'm sorry you were sad but what a result!