Reviews for Travelers Returned
Jesstabulous chapter 32 . 3/8/2019
I don't believe I have actually review'd this glorious fic and that is a pure travesty; considering I have read and re-read it several times, it is one of my all time favorites and I just get so enraptured in it and get left with such a fic-reading-hangover and all the feels that I guess it inexcusably slips my mind to send you some well-deserved kudos on your work.

It is truly terrific, so well constructed and written, I fall into and get lost in the world so easily and each time I re-read it I can't put it down until I have finished which is several long hours of marathon reading but it's so hard to put down once I get started! The way you weave your words, the literary scenarios you paint for us to envision, with such beloved characters still in the realm of believable characterization - it really does what fanficiton was meant to do and takes shows and characters near and dear to our hearts and explores what would happen with them if differences in their time-lines of creation had occurred. I do think that Guy could have blossomed into a better man if he could ever have gotten out from under the thumb of the Sherrif and was able to fall in love with Marian. I do think in the end if given the choice and stripped of all the drama going on around her that Marian would have been much happier in the end with Guy than Robin.

I just gush over your work, I just love it so soooo much! 3

I was inspired for this particular re-read by a recommended song that came on my Spotify list that immediately reminded me of this fic and I listened to it on repeat while reading lol, if you are interested it was: Caveboy - Love Song.

Happy Writings

Guest chapter 32 . 1/15/2019
Thank you. Loved it!
Rhiannon249 chapter 1 . 9/25/2017
Hi there-

I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed reading your story over the fact, I could hardly put it down! I especially appreciated all of the historical details you included in the author notes. The story was truly epic. I liked how you captured all of the characters from the series (especially Robin, Marian and Guy.) Thanks again for sharing this great story.

eucalyptusleaf chapter 31 . 4/12/2017
I love this story SO MUCH. I've commented before, but reading it again is just making it clear to me how much I enjoy it and how grateful I am you wrote it. I wish you'd write another shipping Guy and Marian, although I don't see how you could outdo the plot here. So compelling! This is one of those stories that you lose sleep over for not being able to put it down. And the characters are so - in character? Utterly believable, even though you have them doing some extreme things, which is quite an accomplishment, and makes it just so, so enjoyable to read. I just really love this story. Absolutely love it. Well done!
eucalyptusleaf chapter 32 . 3/13/2017
This story was such a treat to read. Thank you so much for all of the thought you put into it. The characters were beautifully in character, the storyline was interesting, and the Marian/Guy relationship development was a believably slow build early on, which made their coming together so much more moving. Thank you! I loved it!
Sparky She-Demon chapter 32 . 2/17/2017
I was hoping that this epilogue would end with Marian dropping a certain bomb on Guy! Still loved the story!
Sparky She-Demon chapter 31 . 2/17/2017
Good, looks like everyone is getting their happy endings!
Sparky She-Demon chapter 30 . 2/17/2017
Well, it's about damn time! Now, we just have to worry about what happens in regards to Richard's decision involving Guy.
Sparky She-Demon chapter 29 . 2/17/2017
Happier ending? That works for me!
Sparky She-Demon chapter 28 . 2/17/2017
Okay, Guy would best watch himself!
Sparky She-Demon chapter 27 . 2/17/2017
I have a feeling that Isabella is going to be losing her head.
Sparky She-Demon chapter 26 . 2/17/2017
Wow. That is quite the gamble.
Sparky She-Demon chapter 25 . 2/17/2017
Looking forward to meeting Robin's future wife. Also hoping that everything works out for Marian and Guy.
Sparky She-Demon chapter 24 . 2/17/2017
Oh Guy's going to be so nervous! I can't say I blame him!
Sparky She-Demon chapter 23 . 2/17/2017
Okay, that's a good thing. Love the chapter!
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