Reviews for Redemption, and The Path That Led Us to Need It
Guest chapter 1 . 5/18
Halcyon Impulsion chapter 1 . 10/13/2015
Oh, how I wish there was more of this. You're one of the best in this fandon-come back!
Mislav chapter 1 . 9/7/2015
This is very sad-and well written. I can see something like that pushing Sherlock over the edge. Excellent description of Joan's inner struggle. My favorite parts were: "She sits by his side and waits. She doesn't try any further approach, doesn't touch him, or look at him. She supports her back against a black dustbin and stares at the graffitted wall in front of her. A blur of colours, faces, silly drawings, meaningful messages, extravagant drabbles and unfiltered language form the picture in front of her, and she wonders just how much of it was sprayed by people just like her, and how much of it by people just like him. Were they painted by the ones who lost or the ones who got lost? Drug-fuelled scribbles or logic approaches to art? Fire or water? Good or bad? Grey, or unreal?"
"She hops into the ambulance, mind wandering to faraway places, places where her partner isn't overdosing, places where she might trust him again, where he hasn't thrown away all of his progress, places where reality isn't quite so harsh, not quite so bleak. Places where she's happy, and he's… Sherlock, places where they're free, free from a foe she judged long defeated, free from the putrid enemy that is drug addiction, but her own consciousness drags her back to reality. She's not in any far way place, no, she's sitting inside an ambulance entering the car park of a hospital in Harlem."
jgh chapter 1 . 2/19/2014
Really interesting! It would be amazing if you continued this.
ilai chapter 1 . 2/7/2014
Very good! Where is the second chapter ?
Luana chapter 1 . 1/29/2014
Good start, waiting for the next update :)
tomorrow is a long time chapter 1 . 1/29/2014
NOO! Oh my gosh, this was heartbreaking. Please continue. :(
phnxgrl chapter 1 . 1/28/2014
Interesting beginning. I loved how bewildered Joan was in locating him. Please continue.