Reviews for fifty bares his soul
CupcakeW chapter 10 . 8/4
Gosh! He really tell the troll Ana was virgin? How he could do that. That was so intimate and personal, so has to stay between him and Ana. Ughh! Tonto. Douchebag!
CupcakeW chapter 9 . 8/4
Has dado una nueva imagen del Dr. Flynn aquí. Muchas otras personas lo acribillan porque y que no supo ayudar a CG, pero realmente si el paciente no quiere recibir el tratamiento que se le ofrece por muy bueno que sea el especialista nada puede hacer. Y se aprecia en el modo en que CG dejó caer esas paredes de defensa y autoprotección que tenía por Ana. Fue el motivo y estímulo que necesitaba. Ella no respeto esos límites de cierta forma, su dulzura, su paciencia, pureza, verdadero interés y honestidad. Simplemente, no pudo resistirse.
Pero, pienso que el Dr. Flynn lo intentó pero hay límites que no puede traspasar como profesional. Finalmente, lo ayudó a sacar las inseguridades y fortalecer sus formas de control junto con Ana. Pero, como dicen el amor mueve montañas.
Munkeyfump20 chapter 31 . 1/30
Wow thanks for the very good read.
CupcakeW chapter 31 . 12/7/2019
Excelente. Bonita versión.

Solo una nota importa. CG nunca uso p quiso drogas. Odiaba a su madre por drogarse y dejar que le pegará y no lo alimentó. Sólo era alcohol.
Dobbleganger chapter 31 . 11/10/2019
Clap clap clap clap
Guest chapter 31 . 7/6/2019
Loved this story thank you
CupcakeW chapter 12 . 6/11/2019
How the father's can't trust theirs sons? In some ways they have to investigate and put in dude the intention of Elena. Not matter how much Christian was difficult. You believe in your children first.
Guest chapter 31 . 5/1/2019
I loved this story! Christian and Elliot become the closest brothers can be. It is super sweet, loving and sexy.
Misssee chapter 31 . 10/10/2018
You did a fantastic job with your version of FSOG. I totally enjoyed your story/storyline it’s been a while since you completed your story, but it is still relevant to me.
Misssee chapter 17 . 10/10/2018
Thanks Gail, Jason and Dr. Flynn. Very good chapter.
Misssee chapter 16 . 10/10/2018
Beautiful time to remember how and when he once was to Ana. Beautiful because he is sharing his pain and past to his beloved brother. Very amazing chapter.
Misssee chapter 7 . 10/10/2018
You are doing great. I am enjoying your twist into everything Greys, Ana, & Katie girl. Enjoying the bantering back & forth. Good update.
Misssee chapter 1 . 10/9/2018
Christian is going to share? Wow. This is different. Good starting point.
DeeGH chapter 31 . 8/26/2018
I so love the POV of Grace. I always felt so bad for her and wished in the original she had at least covered it like you just did. That women had plenty to say not to mention the grief and heartache. Nice wrap up ending with Elliott’s thoughts. Thank you for sharing.
DeeGH chapter 30 . 8/26/2018
I loved the key ring idea myself. You did a much better job with it. Christians description of the plane crash was harrowing and hilarious about Ros and the cigarette. Good chapter.
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