Reviews for Penumbra 4- In the Wind
Aaronna chapter 6 . 2/7/2016
I am going to guess he lands in a Druid camp, his mother's house, or Gwen's house.
Aaronna chapter 5 . 2/6/2016
This chapter was awesome! Great job!
Aaronna chapter 4 . 2/6/2016
Crap. I was hoping they wouldn't catch him that quickly...
wryter501 chapter 10 . 1/28/2016
So, okay... Merlin is /okay/, but...
Next story!
wryter501 chapter 9 . 1/28/2016
I did worry a bit, that George would prove more loyal to the king than the prince - this was a very nice back story by way of reassurance!
wryter501 chapter 8 . 1/27/2016
I feel so bad for Arthur... I suppose a coup is right out though, huh? Or having gaius declare his father incompetent and keeping him in the medieval equivalent of a padded room... Poor Arthur, now more alone than ever...
wryter501 chapter 7 . 1/27/2016
I've always kind of thought, the fear of magic had more to do with fear of consequences, rather than the thing itself. Of sharing blame if a friend or neighbor or even a stranger in too-close proximity was shown to have magic. Of the knights and soldiers, of whatever said magic-user might do in escape or self-defense once discovered...
wryter501 chapter 6 . 1/27/2016
This chapter makes me so sad. The time of relative peace and even limited acceptance probably makes this situation that much worse for merlin... If you were going for a sense of hopelessness and impending and unavoidable doom, you've got it. Arthur can't help him, magic can't cover his trail from the dogs, time and the physical world is against him... The prophecy was to encourage Arthur, not him - but maybe his Magic (or his destiny to serve as long as Arthur needs him) can pull off a miracle...
wryter501 chapter 5 . 1/27/2016
I love your merlin. Scared, but then deciding not to be, or realizing he doesn't have to be. But, too bad!..he's on the run again... :(
wryter501 chapter 4 . 1/27/2016
I really like this view of 'a day in the life of' Camelot. Arthur casual and yet safe amidst a people who loves him, especially the maid openly at his side. And the knights humble enough to do the dirty jobs... But hokey Pete! It all goes downhill fast! I wonder if Arthur's dad is 'healed' or just reanimated by magic... And next, a standoff between father and son over strict justice and denied truth... I wonder what Arthur is going to do...
wryter501 chapter 3 . 1/26/2016
This is lovely. We can all claim, merlin is Arthur's servant and counselor, but it's not every writer who can /show/ it so perfectly!
(I love your merlin, BTW, smart, funny, mature and yet youthful at once...)
wryter501 chapter 2 . 1/26/2016
Yay! This makes me happy, merlin with the druids. Gathering and contemplating a bit of harmless female attention, enjoying the freedom of Arthur knowing and supporting (and the rt group) his secret. And w/o either of them /needing/ to be together all the time, the way some folks write it...
wryter501 chapter 1 . 1/26/2016
Now /this/ is an opening I've not ever read before!
Drag0nst0rm chapter 9 . 6/26/2015
I have a sneaking suspicion that Leon's idea of leading the army to the best of his abilities will be to lead them to the best of Arthur's abilities.
musicnlyrics chapter 10 . 8/11/2014
Drama, drama, drama. I love it.

Thanks for sharing!
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