Reviews for The Unknown Child
Noone007 chapter 6 . 2/12
I’m so in love with this trilogy! I found this 5 days ago and was so addicted I couldn’t stop reading it. I love this story, I love how it feels so real. I’m going to go back to rereading it and hoping you update!
Saranghaeaishiteru0901 chapter 1 . 2/21/2019
Please please pleeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaase update this when you can. I love this story/series that you've created and have been dying for you to continue it. I've read these fics like, ten times because I love it so much. These fics are a work of art
Punky chapter 6 . 10/8/2018
I need moooooore
meaghansworld chapter 6 . 5/17/2018
I absolutely love your story! Please update when you can!
Kayori Suoh chapter 6 . 4/29/2018
Hello, darlin’! I’ve just finished binge-reading your entire series and noticed you haven’t updated for a while. It would definitely be a shame if you discontinued this series. With the incubus becoming involved, and the changing dynamic of Sesshomaru’s and Mina’s relationship (especially after getting her back from another world), I’d love to know what happens to them in future chapters!

I hope you eventually pick this up again and finish it. Such a good series shouldn’t be left behind! :)
pmann1 chapter 6 . 6/12/2017
Any plans for an update?
purple-pygmy-puff16 chapter 1 . 2/17/2017
Any plans for an update soon?
SNOW chapter 6 . 2/20/2016
Awesome series! I read it like, what, 7 times! Your very talented and I feel you should know that. Please continue this series, I believe people will back me up on this claim. You did such an amazing job I think an end wouldn't do good. But when it does, I believe it will be epic. I hope they have a half dragon-half dog half demon child. 1/4 dragon 1/4 dog, rest is human. That would be amazing if it would happen! Oh the ups and downs of their relationship! I was thinking instead of the incubus, Alexis's mom would seek revenge and team up with Naraku.
Toreh chapter 5 . 1/9/2016
I find Minako a rather frustratingly naive but really well done character. I think my only complaint would be wondering why Minako has not received any type of training or a weapon(other than the dagger) to compensate for her obvious weaknesses? I would think that someone like Sesshomaru would want his mate to at least be able to defend herself. Perhaps at least learn how to harness some of her dragon abilities since she's so prone to danger.

But anyway, your writing is absolutely phenomenal and I just finished reading through the other two prequels. Thank you so much for sharing it with us.
Harlequin-Dust chapter 5 . 12/29/2015
Yay! I'm so happy you're back. This chapter was great. It added some suspense and really showed how much Sesshomaru cares.

Also, it's exciting to see that you're writing your own book. I bet it'll be awesome
Somnific chapter 4 . 12/21/2015
I can't believe you made this into a trilogy, I am so happy.

Thank you so much for gracing us with this for another round! I'm really looking forward to your next update.
babygrl89 chapter 1 . 12/12/2015
Please update soon. I've read the first two installs at least 3 more times just to keep myself happy. Your fans miss you!
satxn666 chapter 4 . 11/22/2015
Basically, I remember reading this series awhile back. I think maybe two or three years ago. I remembered it once I began to watch Inuyasha again, so naturally, I searched for it again. I finished it for the second time, enjoying it just as much as I had when I did the first time. You truly are a talented writer, and I hope you update the third installation to this series sometime soon. I'll be looking forward to whenever you do.
Bruhh chapter 4 . 11/19/2015
please update! I can't stop thinking about your story, I finished all of them in two days, literally addicted! Your so amazing, I haven't read any that keep sesshomaru completely in character. Please please update!
purple-pygmy-puff16 chapter 4 . 8/26/2015
Hope you are doing well. I am still holding out hope that one day I will see an update for this story...I hope...because I really love this story.
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