Reviews for Return Engagement
misskangas chapter 70 . 7/20
I was browsing for a story to help escape from the mess of 2020 for a bit, and found this. And spent the weekend devouring it: cheering, crying, laughing, threatening to strangle both Sherlock and Mycroft, and loving Molly and Mary to pieces. I will patiently wait for the next chapter. I can’t wait to find out if my theory on Henry is correct... Thank you for writing this!
Jellybaby74 chapter 70 . 6/21
Finally! Finally! I’ve been waiting so long. So very very long for a chapter. I can honestly say this chapter dropping has been one of the brightest moments this year.
I have been following this story from the beginning. Your words are so powerful, some chapters make me cry, such as this one has. Your an excellent writer.
MathildeJova chapter 70 . 6/14
Well, I never.. An update, this is hands down the best piece of news of this year! And what an update! Sherlock is just marvellous in this chapter. I adore that he is so willing to do anything in his power to console her, proving his love in every desperate attempt to calm her down, making Molly cry all the harder with the almost unbearable realisation that he loves her just as much as she does. The elation she must feel, after years and years of loving him and have him prove at last, irrevocably, that it was not in vain. Masterful. So rewarding, especially after having read the whole thing again so recently. You see it in every gesture from the first few chapters. He is head over heels in love. Sherlock, you fool. He always misses something, doesn't he? What a triomph of a return! Thank you so much for this. I hope what lies ahead for yourself is nothing but happiness and contentment and joy :)
superlc529 chapter 70 . 6/14
Not gonna lie... I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw an update from this wonderful story! So glad to see that you're all right. :) It was a wonderful update. I absolutely loved Sherlock's thoughts and trying to get the truth out of Molly in any way but manipulation. And then Molly's declaration of love? Wonderful. And... the truth has come out with Sherringford. Hope to see the next chapter soon. Hope you're keeping safe in this crazy time. Keep up the good work. :)
Guest chapter 70 . 6/13
Yay for updates! Also I love the way she gets him and he tries to be whatever she needs.
Olgamona chapter 70 . 6/13
Omg you come back! That’s the best news I’ve ever heard in 2020! chapter 70 . 6/13
Delightfully exciting! A thrill!
lizzybudd chapter 70 . 6/13
Good to see you back! Loved the chapter as always :)
Analena chapter 70 . 6/13
I'm so glad you're back, but what a place to stop! On the brink of two big revelations. Another chapter, maybe next week! I can hardly wait. Stay safe and thank you for this unexpected surprise.
metricjenn chapter 70 . 6/13
I legit GASPED out loud when I saw the email notification for this fic. Gasped in absolute delight.
To paraphrase you in the above chapter - this is a story I would wait around years to read the next chapter

And 2020 is beyond anything I could've imagined - the addition of this chapter has acted as a balm for my poor brain
Thank you - thank you for writing
MathildeJova chapter 69 . 6/13
I have recently reread the entire thing. This fic is everything. Utterly perfect. It remains my absolute favourite. What a gift to the Sherlolly community! The last chapter makes me want to BEG you for more but I'd hate to put pressure on you or any artist. It's not fair. I'm all for the delectation of what's been given and leave it at that. But I have to say this, because it's also important for the artist to know: I'm happy that you gave us such a superb story. I have to reiterate how much I admire you and your writing skills. Second to none. You deserve all the praise and accolades. The amount of research that it necessitated is obvious. Your understanding of human nature and of these particular characters unparalleled. It's a joy to read it all again. You know this is good when reading certain lines flips your stomach. I got goosebumps at times, too. Delightful. Thank you so SO much for sharing your talent with us. You have done Sherlock and Molly justice and the show at large, too. Stunning, splendid, magnificent. A masterpiece. :)
senkihazi chapter 10 . 2/18
your portrayal of Mycroft and Sherlock are superbly accurate. I don't think I ever read a fic this good when it comes to Sherlocks and Mycroft's characters. molly john and mary are great too! your writing skills are out of this world. great, fantastic, awesome job?
Grizzy Jercko chapter 69 . 11/7/2019
Hey really aqui acaba la historia?
Grizzy Jercko chapter 55 . 11/5/2019
sigo en la lectura.
viendo las fechas me llevo una gran sorpresa por el giro de los acontecimientos, aun así es super cool todo lo que haz logrado en estos años que escribiste es fic.
me enamore inmensamente de esto, lo juro.
es tan impredecible, solo le he atinado a un par de cosas, de hay en fuera ni la mas mínima idea de como se desarrollaría la trama, intente predecirlo pero todo a sido en vano.

saludos xD
Grizzy Jercko chapter 30 . 11/2/2019
oh dear lord.
ya basta, como lo haces?
estuvo estupendo, creeme que crei que era le profesor moriarty o algo por el estilo, pero fue Tom. ufffy el final, no puedo creermelo todavia, releedos veces las lineas de comprension que le daba sherlock a molly hasta el final del capitulo.

sinceramente hermoso.
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