Reviews for Wishing on a Shooting Star
Guest chapter 1 . 6/1/2014
Yeesh. Cheese cheese cheese. SO CUTE THOUGH 3
Sorceress of Magic chapter 1 . 2/10/2014
Awwww so cutee
Guest chapter 1 . 1/21/2014
Awww i love it. That's put a smile on my face
bacta.junkie chapter 1 . 1/21/2014
Seconded the previous commenter. Love the story and the characters; your grammar needs work.
SophiaOfSlytherin chapter 1 . 1/20/2014
Oh, this was really cute! I liked the characterization, especially Scorpius. The plot was simple and sweet; I enjoyed it a lot! Your diction was also perfect for the nature of the story, not too complex while also not insulting the reader's intelligence, great for such an innocent story.

However, I hope you don't mind some constructive criticism. Some of the sentences had a bit of grammar trouble. For example: "He honestly liked her craziness, it seemed to..." This is a run-on sentence because both sides of the comma have what could be complete sentences. To fix it, you would want to put either a period or semi-colon in the comma's place. Additionally, I didn't really see the necessity of the kissing at the end. It felt kind of forced, and with the innocent mood, kissing felt awkward. I hope these made sense.

On that note, I'd like to recommend you to the creative writing website Rocky Mountain International (www. rmimagic .com), a text-based Harry Potter roleplay where we act as though Harry, Voldemort, and even Scorpius never existed. It's a lot of fun, and I think you'd make a great addition to our community, so I hope to see you around!