Reviews for At Last, A Family
Fanfictionlover124 chapter 20 . 9/7
This was the ending I was hoping for, thank you.
MrsFH chapter 20 . 7/17
I enjoyed this story in places, but had trouble accepting some of the plot choices. For example, the instant “brotherhood”, childish hand holding and other behaviors attributed to 12-year-old boys in the beginning, a British judge making a ruling while a jury is deliberating, and the fact that two fourth years and a professor used an unforgivable with no repercussions - these all seemed like odd plot choices.

Add in the over-the-top “power levels higher than Merlin” and I was left wondering how much of it was satire. The writer clearly has talent, and I liked the HEA for the family, but if I were reviewing on Amazon it would get two or three stars.

Thanks for sharing it, and completing your story, and good luck with your future writing projects.
klester chapter 14 . 6/29
If Dudley is just a few months older than Harry, then he is also 12 in this story. That would give him a sentence of six years in juvenile detention, rather than four, if he is to be released to Marge's custody ay 18.
Vampireking40 chapter 2 . 6/29
There is still a lot about this story I don't understand. What happen to Draco parents and is the hatred between Draco and Harry. Is Severus actually close to Remus and Sirius as well. Seeing that he is married to Lilly sister there must be some kind of friendship formed when they were all young. I love the idea of them each wearing each other sweatshirt that is something someone needs a picture of as it would show that any riverally between the lion and the snakes only happens during a game a quidditch.
Vampireking40 chapter 1 . 6/29
Wow that is a good start a sister of Lilly married to Severus. Someone Harry had no idea exist until now and the fact that she is married to the man who has treated him badly for two years just because he resembles James. I wonder now how did Severus treat Harry for the last 2 yrs.
mandancie chapter 20 . 6/29
This has been an amazing ride. I've enjoyed this story. Well done! :)
Guest chapter 1 . 6/28
Who is the guy in the bat costume and what have you done with Severus Snape?
Guest chapter 1 . 6/28
Read Rowling. Harry Potter is an adult.
paula chapter 1 . 4/19
SaltyFox0ffline chapter 1 . 2/18
Haha. I wanna get high on Anastasia
Cassandra30 chapter 18 . 2/11
Something went wrong. Ella should not have been awake.
Calmzone1 chapter 17 . 11/22/2019
Interesting. I don’t know if this is a continuation of another story with Severus, Sirius, Remus and Ambrosia’s stories. I will have to pop to your profile page and see. So, did Harry know that he was still a parselmouth after the Horcrux was removed? Because it wasn’t mentioned after the removal was complete. That’s why he removed Sev’s mark before. Just curious, something his parents could ask him about. Also, please remember that there are other descriptions besides ‘lowly’. For some reason, people are forgetting about quietly, whispered, growled, murmured, and others. Thanks. Good job.
Calmzone1 chapter 15 . 11/22/2019
Just so you know, not all women scream when the baby is being born, with or without painkillers. :)

But cute. I love how their magic is growing and changing
Guest chapter 17 . 11/15/2019
Guest chapter 17 . 11/12/2019
Check out Supernova 2020 with Colin Firth and Stanley Tucci. It is not Thorki with Walki. It is Sammy.
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