Reviews for Love in shackles
Chaotic Destinies chapter 31 . 5/25
This story was incredible and such a roller coaster to read. Excellent job and thank you for sharing your work!
Ari909 chapter 31 . 3/11
I just found this story a few days ago, and I could not stop reading. It was written so well and had a compelling plot. I felt all kinds of emotions as I read this: fear, anger, happiness, and sadness. I was practically sobbing when they forced Elena to become human and compelled her memories away. I had to stop reading for a few minutes to compose myself. I always say that when I'm emotionally attached to a story, the story must be spectacular. I enjoyed reading this, and I'm so glad I found it.
Guest chapter 1 . 6/2/2019
Amazing story...Loved it
cuteandcreative chapter 31 . 4/19/2019
StarlightSo chapter 31 . 11/18/2018
Nice little story. I liked the short and crisp chapters.
Maria chapter 27 . 7/11/2018
Urrhg this chapter made me cry! So heartbreaking, arrhh the goodbye scene;(
Nej chapter 1 . 10/6/2017
I'm so pissed at myself for not reading this story before now. I was hesitant becomes of the theme. Every time before I tried to read something with slaves I regretted it, either because it's not written well, or because I don't like the plot, or because Damon is a complete ass and/or a monster through most of it and I'm not here for Damon abusing Elena and OOC-ness.

Your story in that part is very unique just like you intended. It's a bit darker at the start but it doesn't go "there" with abuse and rape which I appreciate.

I love how they met first and later Elena made him so soft. I'm glad his asshole behavior didn't last long though, I just can't imagine Damon meeting and getting to know Elena and still treat her badly. I loved how much he loves her. He's the perfect combination of soft for Elena and hardass with reputation for the outside world . I can easily imagine him as a great leader with good ideas. I'm so glad in the end his plans for this world worked out well for everyone. Like I said from the start I could easily see him as a great leader.

One problematic thing for me was him using the sire bond on her to force her to agree with his plan which I was STRONGLY against. I think it just wasn't fair for him to do this to her, but at least I can imagine it and it's not OOC, we know Damon would do anything to make it painless as possible and keep her safe. Also, I got over it quickly because he realized just a few days later he has to try something else, find another way... And thank you (!) for not doing a time jump because that would've made it worse for me. And I liked the fact her memories were pushing through. Thankfully it was resolved quickly.

I LOVED Elena OMG she's so fierce. She didn't allow him to treat her badly or even speak to her in a bad way LMAO i loved that. She was like "I don't care who you think you are but you're not gonna be like this and not hear what I have to say about this!"
I also loved her capacity for forgiveness and giving second chances, that's so in character. Every time Damon showed his softer side I was falling for him along with Elena. And I loved how much she loves him too. She was always ready to look in the best of him. I didn't mind Elena freaking out when she found out Damon killed her dad, it was normal reaction and of course it was just like Damon to resist and not tell her the rest of the story.

I was sooooo sad for Elena when the choice was taken away from her and she had to turn and I'm so happy you gave her the second chance to choose for herself. I love DE as vamps or humans so it didn't matter to me how they end up, as long as they're together.

Basically it seems I loved everything about both of them and them together. They had chemistry and smut was good, and I loved romantic moments and angst. Amazing job.

And I loved the plot and politics and this universe and side characters. And even Klaus as a villain. This is by far the best slave story here.
Karol Black chapter 31 . 9/11/2017
This fic is simply amazing! I've read other stories in which we have a slavery relationship between delena, but with violence from his part, something I would NEVER accept, cause Damon, no matter in what universe we're talking about, would NEVER, EVER, hurt her like this. So your story with its background of him already knowing her was just PERFECT! I loved it so much and I would appreciate if you updated it. Congratulations for this amazing plot.
Vilvid chapter 31 . 10/29/2016
You got me caught up on the story so much. At first I was so skeptic about it but when I gave it a try I didn't stop reading it until it ended and I almost didn't realize I was on the last chapter.
Not many people know how to write a good FanFic,that can keep the readers hocked up. I loved it so much.
porterbayne chapter 8 . 9/1/2016
O.M.G. That was so Fing HOT!
Salvatoreboys4ever chapter 27 . 8/29/2016
Insane powerful. Just wow. Can picture everything so clearly and how even in submitting to this horrible deal that Damon is still so protective of her. I was reading so fast and near tears
Salvatoreboys4ever chapter 31 . 8/29/2016
Beautiful ending . I had no idea how you were going to solve everything in just a few chapters . So glad they were happy! Loved the whole story. Huge fan of intensity angsty romance.
Salvatoreboys4ever chapter 23 . 8/29/2016
I just found your story today and I'm riveted. I thought too it seemed odd that after you explined how badly Klaus treats his female slaves that he would just kill her and not take her to have himself . Makes perfect sense now. I was on pins and needles knowing once Damon and her were fighting that it was only a matter of time and Klaus would find her!
underooos chapter 31 . 8/23/2016
Loved this so much! Had me in sobbing at some parts though haha. I really liked how you incorporated certain plots from the show into it, yet it was still original. Amazing!
kimminnee chapter 31 . 7/3/2016
I'm glad this story had a happy ending. I am also sorry if I seemed very unhappy with the story a few chapters back. I am just going through the wringer in real life. Re story was good. Thank you, Kim
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