Reviews for Where the World Ends
aominesshi chapter 1 . 9/10/2018
THANK GOD THIS IS A HAPPY ENDING. This fic of yours was one of my favorite tbh and I've read that for god knows how many times up till today, I feel like I need to drop some thoughts. I loove the way you wrote this, how you made midorima desperately looked for him and those lil hints! Idk why this only has a few reviews when it's this amazing...this is so underrated D: just want you to know that I super love this fic tho even after this long! xx
sinfulxdaises chapter 1 . 5/1/2016
'Hey, will you meet me where the world ends?' the second sentence that hurts me in a MidoTaka fic. This story is just so touching. The story is so fluent, the flashback and the actual story mixes and makes me dizzy. (By the way, wondering what's the first? Read How are you today? and understand what I mean) This story is so realistic and cruel yet I love it so much. Life is unfair, they say. But i dun disagree, it is true. So why focus on light? Focus on the shadow. I totally sound like I'm going crazy but i put the blame on all the angsty fics that i love reading even though they are just so heartbreaking. KEEP WRITING STAY INSPIRED
TheAmericanGit chapter 1 . 3/4/2014
God why do all of your stories with Midorima and Takao make me cry?! DX
pinkus-pyon chapter 1 . 1/30/2014
ttan lindo T.T waaaaaaaaaaaaa llore, casi pensé que tal vez Takao moría oh algo así y casi me pongo a llorar, enserio que ame tu fic, shin-chan a veces es tan tsundere para aceptar lo que siente XD pero me encanto tu final XD
FallenxLinkin chapter 1 . 1/23/2014
Awe.. that was beautiful :') made me a little teary there though. SO cute
Laugh.Away chapter 1 . 1/18/2014
I love this so so much! XD i really like your writing style too! XD
mayuzumichihiro chapter 1 . 1/16/2014
Good grief this was absolutely amazing. Going all the way round the world for Takao really is something that Midorima would do actually.