Reviews for Zeroella
Yami no Nokutan chapter 25 . 4/17
I have read the twice already and each time I read it I’m grow more and more intrigued. I really love this story and I do wish to see it continued. 4 years is a long time, but I do hope it could cone to a conclusion with KaZe and TakuIch.
MyAnimeObsession chapter 25 . 8/19/2019
Please update!

I need Zero out of that prison and in the arms of Kaname.
Both accusations cleared and like fairytales, live happily ever after
Anna Cooper chapter 25 . 3/12/2019
Please update soon
Kia Landermoore chapter 25 . 1/1/2019
So now we're getting somewhere.
Cassette89 chapter 25 . 11/12/2018
keep going
Eurus chapter 25 . 8/23/2018
Sorry earlier i didn't complete the review what i wish to say is some things have been same as original like parting of zero and kaname at midnight, zero s' treatment by shizuka . I wish you update was a pleasure to read an old story in the light of characters that is both known to us yet so different for eg rido was quite astonishing and i wish to see more of him.
Eurus chapter 25 . 8/23/2018
A whole new look to an age old fairy-tale. I am genuinely surprised at a narration that is simple yet pretty effective . Though the story is much different than original there are few things that main
lillana45 chapter 1 . 9/1/2017
nice work I love it so much
yuzukikuran476 chapter 24 . 5/3/2017
This story is very Interesting to read have you not Post this Story on Facebook ?. Please update soon.
yuzukikuran476 chapter 23 . 5/3/2017
Haruka and Juri better say their sorry for making Zero and Kaname through hell.
Am glad that Haruka found Rido and I hope that Rido can save zero and Kaname and soon.
yuzukikuran476 chapter 22 . 5/3/2017
Am glad that Rido and Haruka Good Brothers and care for one another.
yuzukikuran476 chapter 21 . 5/3/2017
You can do it Takuma save Zero .
yuzukikuran476 chapter 20 . 5/3/2017
Please keep making more interesting Vampire Knight stories like this one please.
yuzukikuran476 chapter 19 . 5/3/2017
Nice one Takuma you are best please updating this awesome story soon. :D
yuzukikuran476 chapter 18 . 5/3/2017
Wow so Rido has long line of Ladies to Entertainment Him so is a Prevert?. Please update.
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