Reviews for Hope For Tomorrow
I'm Meaner Than My Demons chapter 18 . 3/15/2014
Okay, first of all. I'm not much of a OC type but I love Violet. Seriously she just got under my skin and I just had to read the story till the end. The story AMAZING! I really love it and I really enjoy it and I'm so thrilled with the idea of a sequel. Can't wait to start that one. Anyway, fantasic job well done. Never stop writting (:
klu chapter 19 . 2/11/2014
I am very excited to read your sequel to this story and I think Dean getting an OFC is a great idea. I think that he would need to meet someone who is already a hunter though and the relationship would take longer to develop past the physical aspects. Because he is Dean, after all, and that means he's not big on getting emotionally attached.
Lostinreading chapter 18 . 2/11/2014
I would really love to see a sequel! :) loved the story! Can't wait to see what you will have next.
KeepCalmAndDoItLikeAFanGirl chapter 18 . 2/11/2014
YES! I NEED A SEQUEL! hehe, sorry but seriously, this story is awesome, i love that Sam met a decent female that hasn't died (the poor guy) and isn't some character that's practically perfect, i like that she has her flaws and bad past but at the same time seems to fit into the life like a champ. PLEASE write a sequel, i really wanna see where this story goes and how things'll be now that Dean-o is back :D
murphy9202 chapter 18 . 2/11/2014
I really liked this story. I thought you did a great job. I want you to write a sequel. I would love to read it. If you do write it, let us know when it is posted.
dralexbanner chapter 18 . 2/11/2014
Sequel please... there is not enough stories where sammy gets a happy ending
klu chapter 17 . 2/9/2014
I've enjoyed this story - read the whole thing in one go just now...You did a good job developing Vi's character. I think she has a lot of inner strength as well as a strong moral compass. Her refusal to turn her back on Meg was evidence of that. It's hard to refuse Sam's puppy eyes and even harder to stand up to him when he's angry, but Vi does it believably because you show us her inner turmoil while she holds her ground.
I think Piglet is a wonderful name for a Pit and as I sit here reading w/ my 2 doggies curled up on me, I have to say that it was heartbreaking he had suck a tragic end, but he fought for his family like a true Winchester.
Looking forward to the final installment.
Thanks for writing.
murphy9202 chapter 16 . 2/7/2014
I'm glad Sam was able to rescue Vi. I hope they do stay together from now on no matter what. Sorry about Piglet. Maybe they can get another dog after they are done mourning Piglet.
murphy9202 chapter 12 . 1/24/2014
You are doing a great job. Keep up the good work. Update again soon.
murphy9202 chapter 8 . 1/14/2014
Thanks for the update. I really like Violet.
murphy9202 chapter 7 . 1/11/2014
I really like this story so far. Your version is much better than the show. Please keep updating the story.