Reviews for Game of Mirrors
mp chapter 16 . 5/6
Australia is probably the best cricketing nation in the world. it has won more world cup matches, onw the most test matches and odi's.
LR00 chapter 37 . 3/19
I really really don't like Hungary
Sakuragane San chapter 88 . 2/11/2019
Reading through quite a few of your ANs, it seems like you're constantly being injured one way or the other. Stay safe.
Sakuragane San chapter 69 . 2/11/2019
I've been meaning to say this a few chapters ago, but I seem to have forgotten about it. What it is, is, I love any interaction with either of the Canadas. Like when Matthew sighed when he was given the rifle, then proceeding to shoot a bull's eye.
Sakuragane San chapter 51 . 2/11/2019
I think I’ll come back and draw all of the deathplayers. Maybe, maybe not.
Sakuragane San chapter 27 . 2/10/2019
Japan, Germany, Italy, Austria, ..., Egypt, Angola, ..., India, Isreal, North Korea, ..., Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Netherlands, Portugal, Sweden, ..., ..., Argentina, ..., Peru, ...

Not bad, if I do say so myself.
Sakuragane San chapter 18 . 2/10/2019
Yes! You brought up the NA dreamcatchers!
Sakuragane San chapter 13 . 2/10/2019
Y'know, I'm really looking forward to that one on one hockey match since quite a few chapters ago. And I'm basically reading this because of Canada, both 1P and 2P.
Sakuragane San chapter 6 . 2/10/2019
Ah yes, four sets of alphabets, not good. I know English and Chinese, taking French 'cause I'm in Canada, and add that to the meagre Japanese I tried teaching myself 'cause of anime. Not good.
Then all of the grammar structures and stuff, only remembering certain words in certain languages, or even crossing over, but that I think happens when you only know a handful or so words in the other language.
IlluminatiAnimeLover789 chapter 15 . 4/1/2018
Reading this now, I think there was a bit too much of South African-centrism in this. I can understand why, and Im not saying it's terrible, but I don't think she needed as much focus as she did, (though I am not bothered by her role in the story.)
Guest chapter 80 . 4/2/2017
ended off here my dear
VioNiVer chapter 5 . 2/22/2017
author...I have been looking for stories like these.. and all I have to say is...

Chireain chapter 1 . 12/5/2016
Every time I'm at like half of this story (when it was still updated) something happen, I don't have time to read, forget what was going on, and have to read it again. But srsly I love it so much it don't even annoy me (a little maybe) Last time I managed to read 48 chapters. I hope this time it will be to the very end c: It's a really great story
mssunnymuffins chapter 1 . 11/19/2016
CANADA! MY POOR BABY OH MY GOD! I normally wait till the end of a story to review but my heart BROKE as I was reading that section. What am amazing way to start. I can't wait to keep reading this!
Tae-Tae27 chapter 111 . 10/10/2016
I skipped to the last chapter (111) and the first thing I saw was "found a way for Feliciano to remain female while Luciano remained male" and I got do confused that I started to laugh.
I'm weird
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