Reviews for The child-King of Asgard
hellomynameisv chapter 1 . 7/17
Awww...I love this. The age gap really makes a difference, and *gasp* Odin's actually a decent parent.
Snapegirlkmf chapter 1 . 10/14/2019
Loved this! Odin is right, Loki would make a good king-because the best ones are those who don't want to be king, but know how to focus on getting people to agree despite themselves. I do have one question though-how old is Loki in the story? Ten, twelve?

I am happy that Odin here is a good father, who admits that he loves his son and is proud of him, unlike Odin in the comics and a lot of fanfics. I always love a fatherly Odin to Loki, and it is rare to find him portrayed as such, though I portray him like that in my own stories.

Loki is an adorable scamp.
MysteriousGuest chapter 1 . 2/4/2019
Thank you for this story! I really like your version of Loki, he's kind and misses his father, but he's also a very good diplomat at a young age. My favourite part was when he tried to manipulate Frigga to let him have more time with Odin without telling that he wants to be with him! So sweet! :3
Guest chapter 1 . 12/15/2018
That was so adorable. I hope Odin manages to tell Loki the truth.
Zela Night chapter 1 . 8/2/2018
If only it had happened this way.
Loki would not have been allowed to stew in his hatred.
This is astounding.
Thank you.
Radon65 chapter 1 . 3/9/2018
This is so sweet. Maybe if this had happened in the MCU, Loki would be less screwed up and self-loathing. I loved how diplomatic Loki was able to be, especially in the opening scene - you did a good job with that. This was an adorable and entertaining fic.
KraZiiePyrozHavemoreFun chapter 1 . 3/3/2018
A happy healthy childhood, all one could wish for Loki
Guest chapter 1 . 1/16/2018
I love this idea. Little loki is adorable. I would love to see a second chapter about him meeting the avengers of you feel like writing one. I can just see Tony stark suggesting to weaponize little reindeer games pout. And Thor showing loki disney movies with Steve. And duty reaction to the tiny former king of asgard.

If you do decide to write a second chapter, I'll keep an eye out. But its still awesome as a one shot.
BakenandEggs chapter 1 . 10/3/2017
Absolutely fabulous! Thank you!
razxrx chapter 1 . 7/30/2017
Very amazing story. With a diff. P.O.V
Guest chapter 1 . 7/23/2017
I loooovvveeee This baby! I wish THIS Is how everything Went. He begining king for The jotun in The future :)
OnceABlueMoon chapter 1 . 4/17/2017
1sunfun chapter 1 . 7/10/2016
fullsignal chapter 1 . 5/24/2016
Cutest fic EVER. There needs to be more fluffy Odin fatherhood just for loki's sake
occasionallywrite chapter 1 . 12/9/2015
So cute!
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