Reviews for A Fire To Be Reignited
OptimisticLady chapter 43 . 12/14/2016
i read both these fics in the space of 3 days and holy wow


this was a rollercoaster
Figments of Delusion chapter 43 . 7/17/2015
I do hope you continue with this. Ginny has grown on me, and the way you describe her and Sherlock's relationship is so perfect - completely believable for him.

There were a few typos, missed commas, and skipped words every now and then, but that's all the criticism I could find worth noting.

Fantastic story!
onyxthorn1998 chapter 43 . 2/23/2015
Sorry, I forgot to review on the last book as I was to preoccupied getting ahold of this one.
As for my review, this isn't only the best Sherlock fanfiction I've ever read… I'm pretty sure this is generally the best Fanfiction I have ever read since I discovered fanfictions, and I have read a lot.
Thank you for writing such a brilliant story.
deletedaccount221 chapter 43 . 9/10/2014
I've been so busy and fell behind reading only to find that you ended it! But it was a beautiful satisfying ending. Did not expect them to actually get married so that was a pleasant surprise. Looking forward to the next addition to your series )
Dream01 chapter 43 . 9/9/2014
THAT WAS FUDGING AMAZING. ONE OF RHE BEST I HAVE EVER READ, honest, it really is. So thank you, for the story, and I can't wait to see what else you come up with.
zare.downey.okumura chapter 43 . 9/8/2014
:') I'm so happy! THEY GOT MARRIED :D So so soooo happy can't wait for the next story!
TinkerbellxO chapter 43 . 9/8/2014
That was perfect. And I actually loved having Victoria come into this story. I feel it was sort of a catalyst for their marriage - which I wholeheartedly support! Cannot wait for the next one. I will keep my eyes peeled!

Kiwi-blueberry chapter 43 . 9/8/2014
Wow! Very, very good ending. I enjoyed the stories very much. Hope to hear not too late from you ;)
hannahhobnob chapter 43 . 9/7/2014
I loved this story so much, so much has happened to our favourite characters that it was such a relief it has ended on a happy note...Sherlock and Ginny are happily married and it looks like she has put Moriarty behind her once and for all...i think Moriarty loved her in his own way, he made sure Victoria was safe from her brother...but who knows maybe we will see more of their past in the next story...can't wait for the next story update soon
La'Rae and Ninjas Incorporated chapter 43 . 9/7/2014
This has been an absolute thrilling story to follow. In a sense this tale has been plaguing at my mind sense I started reading 'A Fire to be Repaid'. Your overall style is haunting, it's witty,and it's absolutely amazing to picture. You have done such a spectacular job with this, with the longing, their desperation, with all the twist, and with how original this story was. It had such incredible twist in it, so many deep rooted, and well thought out twist.

The plot development throughout this story was done in such a fascinating and refreshing way that I genuinely can say I hope to see some original work from you. Your writing style is amazing to follow. I just want to give you an overall appraisal for your work. This has been such a fantastic reading experience for me personally that I will honestly back and re-read both stories sometime in the future.

If anything, you have done such a great job with this. And you should really continue writing. The literary world could use more minds and talent like yours. Wonderful job!

TinkerbellxO chapter 42 . 9/4/2014
Well, I think that was the perfect way for them to get engaged/married. So in-character for both of them and in its own way, romantic and impulsive (wish I actually think is very in-character for them as well). So you are continuing their saga? Boy do I hope so!

Love this duo!

hannahhobnob chapter 42 . 9/4/2014
Such an interesting chapter...i love Mr and Mrs Holmes and there conversation about marriage and babies its funny to see Sherlock uncomfortable. I'm someone who believes in marriage is just a bit of paper haha but for the right person I would consider being married I'm just glad Sherlock has understood how much it means to Ginny update soon
TinkerbellxO chapter 41 . 8/28/2014
Is this story wrapping up? Do you have another one in the works. I never want to see this group end! Love everything about this series. Can't wait for more!

Dream01 chapter 41 . 8/18/2014
Aww, another amazing chapter.
hannahhobnob chapter 41 . 8/18/2014
Yay they finally met, it was unfortunate that Ginny has found herself in hospital the pressure and confusion of finding out her daughter is still alive was bound to have consequences but at least she is okay...i love the relationship between Victoria and Victor they have a similar relationship to gin and Sherlock which is sweet...can't wait for the update I look forward to the mother daughter bonding
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