Reviews for Stag Night
Shadows Concealed In Darkness chapter 1 . 7/17/2014
Poor drunk Sherlock with a hangover. :/ Don't worry honey, John still loves you! It might be the end of an era, but it's also the beginning of a new chapter. ;)
(Awesome how you kept him in character!)
her illusion chapter 1 . 3/12/2014
oh the sitty thing
sevenpercent chapter 1 . 1/22/2014
like the kicker that pushes you well and truly to the point of passing out, this little one shot is...painful at the end. Poor Sherlock- truly the end of an era
TheSherlockedBeneaddict chapter 1 . 1/20/2014
This. Was. Brilliant.
guest chapter 1 . 1/11/2014
What everyone else said is all true, so I don't know if there's anything to add, except that I really like this story!
jack63kids chapter 1 . 1/8/2014
They say to write about what you know, and I believe the author of this wittily written little piece knows this scenario inside out and from several angles - just a hunch here!... But then haven't we all pretended to be much more sober than we are when it is impossible for everyone else in the room - even those as hammered as we are - not to know!
I particularly liked your description of his fighting with his coat - snort worthy! And some fab moments of complete confusion and falling asleep...
Thought there was no more humour to be pulled from the screen version, but this fic proved me very wrong. Excellent!
Doni chapter 1 . 1/8/2014
Equal measures hilarious (I mean really, how could you not love inner drunken monologues?) and bittersweet. Well done.
TheSatanicPony chapter 1 . 1/7/2014
I lost it at "sitty thing" and "land pirate", but I'll be darned if the ending didn't make me sad again. I was actually hoping you'd do a character motivation study for Sherlock this season, because I feel like he's changed a fair amount. He seems more emotional(?), and even with him drunk I think you've captured that.
Neongrnlightning chapter 1 . 1/7/2014
Ahahaha it is so awesome that you wrote this! I was hoping you would so we could get inside Sherlock's drunken mind, and as usual you went beyond any expectations I had. I liked the darker note you finished it off with
that lionhearted vagabond chapter 1 . 1/7/2014
Oh my god, I was killing myself laughing (/land pirate/) and then I got to the end and now I'm sad. This follows the emotional procession of the episode, nicely done.

Mostly though it is very, very funny. Sherlock's flapping around about the crying girl was great. How do you think Sherlock felt about the bridesmaid he was talking to?

Thanks for writing.
mrspencil chapter 1 . 1/7/2014
Very well observed, with a poignant last line.
I assume he will figure out what went awry at some point...
Nicely done:-)