Reviews for Wolf Moon
Reader Anon chapter 28 . 11/18/2018
Wow. I just read this whole thing and just... Wow. Lykopis really is a wolf. This whole thing was a whirlwind from start to finish! The relationships are so detailed between these characters, so realistic that they breathe and beat like living things. This story was a joy to read, even with Lark's death - which wasn't a disappointment. She died fighting and really that was the only way to go for her.

I really love the relationship between Arthur/Guinevere/Lot - so much. Because I've always felt bad for him and you FIXED IT. I love Gawain's storyline and Galahad's and Tristram's. Everything is so GOOD. And well written. And realistic. Are you working on anything to publish? Because you should, you really should.

Cheers. xxx
homeric chapter 28 . 9/30/2018
I very much enjoyed this. Lovely expressive writing and I enjoyed the wolf mythology and especially the female characters. The way the Arthurian characters were well woven in as well. Brava.
Guest chapter 1 . 9/19/2016
SherlockedHeart chapter 27 . 12/4/2015
This is incredibly well written. Your timeline of events and story arc is fantastic. Everything written has a purpose- no excess dialogue, fluffy filler chapter or sequences, etc. I find that this is incredibly hard to come across within fanfiction, and I am so glad I decided to read this story.

I absolutely LOVE the time you took to develop Tristram and Lykopis' relationship. To me, their love feels like a "real" love, if that makes any sense? I don't know, perhaps I'm just a fan of a slow build. It seems more realistic in my opinion.

Anyway, absolutely fantastic. Adding this to my favorite's!
Silver Magiccraft chapter 27 . 8/30/2015
I just wanted to tell you that I thoroughly enjoyed reading this. Thank you for writing and sharing it!
WMaldonado89 chapter 27 . 4/26/2015
Awww, I'm sad to see the end of this story, it was a grand ride..

Admittedly I am curious of the other knights fate.. Poor Wolf, I assume she had miscarriages? Well at least her line was carried on by one child..

I truly loved this story and can't wait to read more of your work..
kamarooka chapter 27 . 4/23/2015
Wow, wow, wow. What an insane ride. I am so glad I have been here for it. I have loved absolutely every second of this! Thank you so so much. This was a perfect end, the romantic in me is so glad that you included those vignettes.
This has been the most brilliant fic; your command of character and emotion and your ability to keep me absolutely enthralled with every word is superb. Thank you for creating something so wonderful, for sharing it with us and for letting me be part of the ride. I am going to go and have a look at your other stuff right now - see you on the flip side haha
Go Outside chapter 27 . 4/22/2015
Great new chapters! Thank you
Gaara-frenzy chapter 27 . 4/22/2015
Beautiful. this has been such an amazing story, and i love how you ended it even though i'm sad to see it end. thank you for writing!
Gaara-frenzy chapter 26 . 4/22/2015
fantastic wrap up! I hope I didn't sound like I was complaining the last few reviews I absolutely love your writing. Oh man lark really went out swinging. I wasn't expecting that. awesome chapter!
kamarooka chapter 25 . 4/11/2015
Eep, everything is starting to right itself! Although that means that the story is winding down :( I don't want that to happen! Jut between you and me... Is there anything else in the works? Haha, I couldn't resist asking!
Gaara-frenzy chapter 25 . 3/27/2015
AHH but tristram and wolf! you waiting to tie up that loose end last? amazing chapter, i love it, cant wait for more!
Go Outside chapter 25 . 3/27/2015
Wonderful chapter, thank you!
Go Outside chapter 24 . 3/10/2015
Another wonderful chapter! Thank you
BlackQueen92 chapter 24 . 3/9/2015
I have been following tgus amazing story almost right from the start, and I have just realiced that I havent review it before, for that Im sorry, because this story really deserves a praiseing. You story is so detailed and deep, I really enjoy reading of the interactions between the knights and your characters. And I love wolf - she is so awesome. Im looking forward to the next chapter and the talk Tristam and wolf must have, but Im sad that it is gonna end soon.

- BlackQueen -
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