Reviews for Kidnapped
Thalorighan chapter 1 . 12/28/2019
It’s ok 3 take as much time as you needwe’re all supporting u!
Belinda chapter 3 . 4/16/2016
Keep going please
awal216 chapter 3 . 4/22/2015
ann chapter 3 . 4/9/2015
You didn't update inercom march 11!##
Guest chapter 3 . 4/1/2015
Yeahhhh we have a slight problem
DivergentDragon chapter 3 . 1/2/2015
It's cool you take as long as you need to. :)
Guest chapter 2 . 1/1/2015
When are you going to write more?
Guest chapter 2 . 7/26/2014
Guest chapter 2 . 7/5/2014
Please please please please please please pelase please please please please freakin update it's July 5, 2014!
Guest chapter 2 . 4/9/2014
Make the stolls prancing story. I LOVE THOSE!
Guest chapter 2 . 4/1/2014
More chapters please . Yes, I did rember the quote from Hermione it's from Harry Potter Prisoner of Azkaban before she slaps Draco Malfoy .

P.s. sorry if I didn't spell stuff wrong !
Guest chapter 2 . 3/15/2014
Please update great story.
Demi chapter 2 . 2/8/2014
Okay, this was actually a pretty good story. Your idea is interesting, and your grammar and spelling's pretty good. Just five things bother me; 1. Your paragraph spacing. Usually, after anyone has talked or you have used the speech marks, a new paragraph is created. For example: "You, what's your name?"
Her voice came out choked, "Piper."
He grinned. "Well, Piper, who do you think kidnapped you?"
Her face was set in stone. "Vous pouvez aller vous-meme vis."

Do you see what I mean? I also recommend paying close attention to your punctuation and they way you capitalize the letter at the start of every sentence after a dot point, and also differentiating the way you explain character's actions while they speak. For example, instead of always writing their action before they speak (He grinned. "Well, Piper, who do you think kidnapped you?"), you could always write about their action AFTER they speak ("Well, Piper, who do you think kidnapped you?" He asked, grinning.)
2. Despite it mostly being him talking to Piper, I don't understand why Jason is in charge. Because in the HoO series, Percy is both older and more experienced. But, you know, it's your choice.
3. I'm really sorry, but I really hope all the girls don't fall in love with their respective kidnappers. It is both unrealistic and unbelievable when that happens. Maybe you could make it that a kidnapper falls in love with a princess who doesn't love him back, or there is a love triangle princess-princess-kidnapper, or kidnapper-kidnapped-princess. I just think it would make the story that much more exciting.
4. Do you also think you could maybe make that Kronos's reason for kidnapping them is not money? Something else, something more sinister than the boys ever knew. Or maybe, the boys all have tragic stories as to how they joined Kronos - as tragic as the girls stories, in fact. Make them both feel sorry and empathy for each other. To do that, maybe you could, like, give Percy or Jason a light bulb moment. (i.e. "Shut UP! Gods, do you princesses listen to anything EXCEPT the sound of your own VOICE?"
The girls immediately quieted and looked at Percy, stunned, as he closed his eyes and massaged his temples, letting out a long sigh. After a while, he looked up.
"Listen, girls, I know you're pissed that we kidnapped you, and that you're blaming us, but frankly - we didn't really have a choice. We joined Kronos's agency long before we accepted this job, and even if we weren't it Kronos's agency, someone else would have kidnapped you, just as effectively as we did. When we went to kidnap you, we didn't necessarily WANT to. But when you princesses stabbed, burnt, hit, punched, kicked, and sliced us - well, I don't know about you, boys, but I haven't wanted to kidnap someone more. So before you blame us, please, blame yourselves as well: you got yourselves into this mess just as much as we did."
Or maybe you could go with,
"Who do we think we are? Honey, we're kidnappers, assassins, spies. This is our job. And most of us didn't even really choose to be this."
Or, you know, you can do whatever. I just think a showdown would be good because the girls need to have even the tiniest smidget of respect for them - like, 'Okay, fine, their smart, but they're still complete idiots.' Or something.
Finally, I just recommend 2 things: 1. Giving a little bit of background to the story. In which age of Greece this is, because in ancient Greece, they both didn't know about Asians, so Annabeth couldn't learn bo staff, didn't have college graduates, so Annabeth's IQ couldn't be higher than theirs, and didn't have vans. And now in modern Greece, they both don't have princesses and only fight with guns, if they fight at all. So yeah, a little backstory would be nice.
2. I recommend not writing 'Annabeth's POV', and stuff like that. Now only does it kind of interrupt the flow of the story when there are 9 or 10 in one chapter, but it looks a little (sorry) amateur. I'm not saying you should give up in writing POV's altogether, but I just think you should go all HoO style. You know, 'Annabeth', 'Piper,' etc.
Okay, so I know I have been harsh and that you probably hate me, but please just give my recommendations a thought. They would seriously help you to get so many reviews - every little thing can throw a reader off. Your story also has SO MUCH potential... I just want other people to give it some though as well. Honestly, I'm just trying to help. My account name is DemiGoddes2012, so you can PM me your rant instead of posting it on your next chapter if you want to.
allthingspjo chapter 2 . 2/7/2014
first of all it's you fowl loathsome evil little cockroach and second more!
Godsandgoddessesofgreece chapter 2 . 2/7/2014
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