Home Forums TV Shows Gilligan's Island Forums
Castaway Corner
A place to indulge in those all too loveable characters trapped on Gilligan's Isle. Discuss couples, favorite episodes, the next generation and more in the privacy of our own little grass hut.
English - Topics: 43 - Posts: 1,924 - Since: 08-14-08 - Admin: Branmuffinpower
Treasure Chest
Got something to say? A bone to pick? An unusual ship, or idea for a fic? In this forum anything goes, so kick off your shoes and get sand in your toes!
English - Topics: 40 - Posts: 729 - Since: 07-01-14 - Admin: Teobi
GI Pairings
Who do you like to pair up in fanfics?Gilligan and Mary Ann?Professor and Mary Ann?Skipper and Ginger?Professor and Ginger?Gilligan and Ginger?For me its GilliganMary Ann, and SkipperGinger.
English - Topics: 4 - Posts: 98 - Since: 02-13-06 - Admin: islandBri64
Your favorite castaway couples:
English - Topics: 9 - Posts: 53 - Since: 05-25-12 - Admin: liviloo9