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Overwatch: No more hiding
Overwatch won the fight, but Talon won the war. However all.of them are on the run. Hunted by an organization dead set on wiping out 'anomalies' such as the heroes and villains of the two groups. Yet no matter where they run or hide. They're always found.
English - Topics: 3 - Posts: 0 - Since: 10-04-19 - Admin: Mr. Thicc Montagne
Overwatch: Heroes Never Die
After the disbandment of Overwatch Earth has been on chaos and peace a fleeting memory from better times. It's time for a new generations of heroes to rise up and bring order, or keep the status quo. (Takes place immediately after the recall)
English - Topics: 3 - Posts: 0 - Since: 12-04-19 - Admin: Wol. Tungsten
Overwatch: The Beginning
As the Second Omnic War rises, Overwatch is starting to regain power and rise above the circumstances. However life is not so easy. There will be conflicts that will change all of their lives forever for this is only the beginning.
English - Topics: 0 - Posts: 0 - Since: 06-18-20 - Admin: ThatGamerAndWeeb
Dead Girl Walking
Widowmaker is forced to make a difficult decision after a failed mission, is she to kill or claim? (romance) (sex) MATURE
English - Topics: 0 - Posts: 0 - Since: 07-11-20 - Admin: NotMouse7
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