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The New Black-Gold
A roleplay forum for everyone who loves Deus Ex, accepting OC's but looking for canon characters as well, come and enjoy the fun!
English - Topics: 9 - Posts: 2,081 - Since: 03-14-16 - Admin: Assassin of the Blue Rose
Deus Ex: Corporate Warfare
2027. After the labs of Sarif Industries are wrecked and Adam Jensen recovers, a desperate search for answers has already begun. A small team has been assembled, working covertly with David Sarif closely and on the other side of the world, the Illuminati will put a similar plan into action. The lines have been drawn.
English - Topics: 4 - Posts: 132 - Since: 09-23-12 - Admin: hgiagsdgbgadgbadhfdhdafhdf