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Dance Central Forum
Forum for Dance Central.
English - Topics: 31 - Posts: 208 - Since: 07-15-12 - Admin: JennehDC
Dance Central Crossovers
This been roaming around my head for about a week, and, well I'm debating whether or not should I act on it. Finally decided to create a forum about this topic to hopefully gain viewers attention. Alright, this archive is mainly centered about dancing and crews- though, have anyone thought about forming a twist that's not all centered around dancing, crews, or who's going to be Glitch's girlfriend? I not too sure if many have thought that- probably did... I guess. That's where it leads to crossovers.
English - Topics: 8 - Posts: 94 - Since: 08-15-12 - Admin: GlitterStarChar
dance central universe
a forum for all things dance central. create a crew, talk about the story or just guch over glitch or whatever
English - Topics: 3 - Posts: 7 - Since: 10-22-12 - Admin: Bhunivelze