Home Forums Anime/Manga Inu × Boku SS/妖狐×僕SS Forums
Welcome To The Maison de Ayakashi
The Maison de Ayakashi, better known as the Ayakashikan, is a high security apartment building where humans with demon ancestors, or yōkai, reside, each guarded by their own Secret Service bodyguard.. But those who lay inside are not always safe. Welcome to the Ayakashikan.. And Welcome to the chaos that resides inside. { CLOSED }
English - Topics: 10 - Posts: 1,043 - Since: 06-05-14 - Admin: A Winds Whisper
RP & Discussion
Foxes, demons, and spirits. Everything and anything about Inu Boku SS. Would you care to RP? Take part in discussions? Come on in.
English - Topics: 2 - Posts: 11 - Since: 06-08-12 - Admin: NostalgicLove
Mansión Ayakashi
Bienvenidos a la Mansión Ayakashi, donde encontraras diferentes secciones en las que endeudarte a bases de retos(?), y fangirlear sobre este maravilloso anime y manga.
Spanish - Topics: 4 - Posts: 3 - Since: 08-02-16 - Admin: Miu-chan Dragneel
English Pervert
Kagerou mulai bosan dengan bahasa sehari-harinya. Dia tertarik dengan bahasa Inggris. Akhirnya dia memutuskan untuk belajar bahasa Inggris dengan Watanuki-nya yang terbiasa mengucapkan kata-kata buruk dalam bahasa Inggris. Lalu bagaimanakah bahasa Inggris Kage pada akhirnya...
Indonesian - Topics: 0 - Posts: 0 - Since: 08-09-12 - Admin: Rizu in Wonderland