Home Communities TV Shows Stranger Things, 2016 Communities
Best of Stranger Things
The best Stranger Things Fanfics out there. Message me if you know of any stories not included here. Most are at least 10,000 words or more.
English - Staff: 0 - Archive: 36 - Followers: 27 - Since: 01-17-18 - Founder: UserUnkown69
Stranger Things
The fanfic community devoted to Stranger Things. Your welcome :-). Hope you enjoy. Its a comprehensive archive of all the Stranger Things stories I or my staff decide to include. Not really much else to say. Stay safe.
English - Staff: 1 - Archive: 11 - Followers: 10 - Since: 04-15-18 - Founder: Jazzman03
Still Pretty
Stranger Things: stories that focus on Eleven or the relationship between Eleven and Mike.
English - Staff: 0 - Archive: 6 - Followers: 0 - Since: 08-31-16 - Founder: someone.else.before