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Friendship is Magic (just kidding, but it is superpowered!)
Looking for stories about strong friendships between our beloved superheroes and normos? This is the place!
English - Staff: 4 - Archive: 13 - Followers: 0 - Since: 03-22-16 - Founder: EmeraldTulip
There's A Storm Coming
My favorite character is Skylar Storm, I've been wanting to make a community, so here's the community I made! This is a community for non-romantic stories featuring Skylar as the main character!
English - Staff: 4 - Archive: 6 - Followers: 0 - Since: 07-08-15 - Founder: TKDP
In Skoliver We Trust
A community for all the Skoliver (Skylar x Oliver) fanfics you'll find here!
English - Staff: 1 - Archive: 9 - Followers: 0 - Since: 05-04-14 - Founder: BasicWriter