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Former Detectives Club
For the benefit of (*COUGH* myself *COUGH*) and the readers with the lust for anything Broadchurch, here's a collection of Broadchurch fanfiction of any genre that are complete or in the midst of completion. One condition. They have to be out-bloody-standing. Feel free to let me know of any Broadchurch fics that should be in this community! No graphic content is allowed and crossovers are accepted.
English - Staff: 0 - Archive: 67 - Followers: 22 - Since: 01-29-13 - Founder: MeMyselfAndTARDIS
Broadchurch Times
Any Broadchurch stories except pure smut/slash and OC's who get involved personally with Alec Hardy! I ship Alec Hardy/Rose Tyler because I think they were made for each other in any universe whether Rose Tyler is herself never having met The Doctor or is fresh from losing him. I'm not keen on Alec/Ellie pairings but I know others are. Please PM me if you have a story you want adding but stories have to be complete or in progress and not abandoned and not involve Alec's demise!
English - Staff: 0 - Archive: 99 - Followers: 4 - Since: 10-21-14 - Founder: silversurfer60
Hardy and Miller
For everyone who ships Alec and Ellie. The stories must have a plot and be well written. No pure smut! PM me if you know of a good story that needs to be included, or to join staff.
English - Staff: 0 - Archive: 26 - Followers: 0 - Since: 06-21-15 - Founder: Hediru