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Corpse Party: Seiko x Naomi
This community gathers anything that pertains Seiko and Naomi. Could be romance, humor, tragedy, etc... Feel free to join in, and create!
English - Staff: 1 - Archive: 47 - Followers: 8 - Since: 06-19-14 - Founder: BashfulShade
Trapped in Heavenly Host
Great Stories about new comers into heavenly host and how they survive, or die like the Kisaragi students before/with/after them! Stories contain gore, violence and fluff, but it's all under M!
English - Staff: 2 - Archive: 8 - Followers: 2 - Since: 08-18-14 - Founder: FamkePenelope
Team Get Sh*t Done: YoshikixAyumi
A collection of fanfiction about the respectable class representative and her reliable delinquent friend. All ratings.
English - Staff: 0 - Archive: 2 - Followers: 1 - Since: 08-20-06 - Founder: Hime-koi
Yoshiki/Satoshi Fanfic Group
A fanfic community i have made you you guys can post Yoshiki X Satoshi fanfics :3
English - Staff: 0 - Archive: 15 - Followers: 0 - Since: 05-04-13 - Founder: Aquaticnaho
Because he's human too...
a C2 dedicated to Kizami Yuuya x Kurosaki Kensuke. Although Kizami is a psychopath, no matter how you look at it, he's still human.
English - Staff: 0 - Archive: 10 - Followers: 0 - Since: 11-02-12 - Founder: Nyou
Naomi x Satoshi
A place where you can find the best Naomi x Satoshi fics out there. K-T
English - Staff: 4 - Archive: 14 - Followers: 0 - Since: 07-23-14 - Founder: GamerGuyMorris