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Drawing the Timeline
These are the stories of things that happened after the end (and before, canon or otherwise): lifestyle, family, new enemies, and everything else. Whether sequels, mid-quells, prequels, or spinoffs, it is all recorded here.
English - Staff: 3 - Archive: 1 - Followers: 1 - Since: 03-13-11 - Founder: PenGator3
The Forbidden Scrolls of Woo Foo : Romance of Light and Darkness
These are the best stories of those who forgot their alliance and betrayed their allegiances, taking the risk of being hurt, caught, hunted, or even killed, all to follow their hearts. Whether their end was happiness, death, or betrayal, it is all recorded here in the Forbidden Scolls.
English - Staff: 0 - Archive: 1 - Followers: 0 - Since: 10-06-09 - Founder: SnowbellaAndFriends
On The Sidelines
In movies and in literature, supporting characters serve an important role in making sure the pieces of the puzzle fall together perfectly. So here's a little homage to the guys and gals of YYY that helped the story run smoothly. (Minor characters are classified as chars. who are neither Yin, Yang,and Yuck. Please message me for suggestions. :D)
English - Staff: 0 - Archive: 3 - Followers: 0 - Since: 01-23-10 - Founder: SilverBlueAngel