XiaoFeng 's Beta Reader Profile
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since: 12-29-05, id: 958885
Author has written 8 stories | Song of the Lioness, CSI: New York, Gravitation, and One Piece.
β : XiaoFeng is a registered beta reader and is currently accepting beta reading requests.
Beta Description
Beta Bio: general description as a beta reader
I love to read, and I've read a lot since I was little. As a reader, I suppose I tend to be pretty strict and stuff. But don't worry, I'm polite too, so I won't flame anyone for bad writing. I read quickly and there is a certain standard of quality that I hold to. I can be very anal about grammar and spelling, for one thing, and large chunky paragraphs just turn me off most of the time, unless there is actually something of interest in there. I love anything that has a good solid plotline, but random humor works as well. I might take longer with convoluted storylines, though, because I like to take my time in understanding them. I have never really been a beta before, so please forgive.
My Strengths: beta, writing, or reading strengths
As I've mentioned, I'm really anal about grammar, sentence structures, etc. Mostly because I take pride in my own work like that. I can also be a sounding board or a second opinion to plotlines and dialogue, especially if I know the characters well, i.e. I'm a huge fan of them myself.
My Weaknesses: beta, writing, or reading weaknesses
I'm not very good at telling it like it is, I suppose. I don't like to offend people, so I might downplay any flaws. I also have a tendency to skip over details if there is too much at one go, i.e. in large chunky paragraphs again. I'm not sure what else is there as I've yet to beta for anyone. I might also be a bit slow in finishing beta-ing. I'm not sure, as I've never beta-ed before.
Preferred: types of stories I prefer over others
Obviously, I prefer to read fanfiction on things that I actually know about. Most anime is fine, I suppose. Currently, I'm interested in One Piece, Gravitation, Kyou Kara Maou and Skip Beat, but if you want to know if I'd be willing to beta for other anime fanfic, just ask. If I have seen it before, I'd probably read it. Under the Games section, I only pretty much read Fire Emblem: Blazing Sword and Sacred Stones, but I'd be able to handle Final Fantasy VII and VIII. Books would depend, but most fantasy stories are fine by me. I prefer David Eddings, Tamora Pierce and the Harry Potter series. As for TV, I think I'd prefer crime shows, like CSI. Again, if I've never watched it, I doubt I'll be of much help.
Would Rather Not: I do not beta for these stories
I don't really like reading fanfics about cartoons and other shows on Disney or Nickelodeon, etc. AU stories is on a 'depends' basis. Some stories I prefer AU and others I like canon much better. Also depends on the kind of AU. If you're going to bring in covens of vampires and so on, there had better be a good reason/plotline, but I'll probably approve in the end. The same goes for original characters. Unless there's a good reason, I'll probably be turned off pretty quickly. I don't like having too many original characters dumped in at one go, and I especially dislike stories where a random person happens to stumble into whatever fanfiction world it is.
Beta Preferences
Language: English & Chinese
Content Rating: Fiction K » M
Categories: categories in black are ones this beta has authored for
Anime +Anima
Book Chronicles of Narnia
Book David Eddings
Game Fire Emblem
Anime Flame of Recca
Anime Fruits Basket
Anime Gakuen Alice
Anime Gravitation
Book Harry Potter
Anime Kyo kara Maoh!/今日からマ王!
Anime One Piece
Anime Ouran High School Host Club
Anime Skip Beat!
Anime Twelve Kingdoms
Anime W Juliet
Genres: genres in black are ones this beta has authored for