acountkillerrr 's Beta Reader Profile
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since: 07-05-15, id: 6907950
Author has written 2 stories | Harry Potter, and Percy Jackson and the Olympians.
β : acountkillerrr is a registered beta reader and is currently accepting beta reading requests.
Beta Description
Beta Bio: general description as a beta reader
As a fanfiction author for over a year now, I've written, read, and experienced much of what and its authors has to offer. I know I'm constantly looking for assistance with my writing or maybe just someone to bounce ideas off of. I have beta-ed several stories even thought I just recently established an official beta profile. I'm extremely open to any type of story, and I tend to scrutinize stories for in-character-ness, good flow, and a plot. I will not read smut without a plot, but i don't mind proofreading stories with sexual content. I have active connections with many other writers that I've met during my time here, and they are always happy to add second or third opinions. I can be brutally honest or lenient depending on your level of experience, unless you prefer my brutal honesty. I will get back to any beta requests within a day, and although I procrastinate the heck out of my stories, I will always respond to chapters you want me to beta within a day or two. Lastly I'm constantly looking to make friends so if you want to chat about fanficiton or fandoms in general check my author profile for the information and come talk to me!
My Strengths: beta, writing, or reading strengths
I'll come right out and say that one of my biggest strengths is brutal honesty. I will let you know right away if you need to scrap something or re-work your entire writing style. Secondly, I am great at fixing sentence/paragraph flow and making the story less choppy yet still to the point. My next biggest strength is keeping characters IN CHARACTER. Writers not writing in character is one of my biggest pet peeves, and i will do anything in my power to help you keep them in character. I am also exceptional at basic grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Finally, I am great at furthering the plot, helping you out of writers block, and bouncing ideas off. I love giving suggestions, and if you feel like you're stuck somewhere in the plot, I'm there for you.
My Weaknesses: beta, writing, or reading weaknesses
I cannot for the life of me stay in the same tense for a long period of time when I'm writing, so beta-ing for the correct tense may take longer. Of course I'm going to slip up occasionally with grammar, spelling, etc, but never fear because it's not often. Other than that, my only other major weakness is that I am awful at beta-ing any type of poetry.
Preferred: types of stories I prefer over others
Really I'm extremely versatile. I will beta almost any story, including stories with sexual content, as long as it isn't smut without a plot. I'll say that I do prefer action, adventure, fluff, or romance with my OTPs, but if it's a good idea then I'll beta it. Story length doesn't matter too much, except nothing over 50 chapters or spanning out over two years. Also-I LOVE crossovers of any kind!
Would Rather Not: I do not beta for these stories
I WILL NOT BETA FOR MY NOTPs. DM me if you would like to know what they are before sending in a beta request. I WILL NOT BETA SMUT WITHOUT A PLOT, its just not my cup of tea. I WILL NOT BETA POETRY, because i know jack shit about poetry. Yea, that's pretty much it.
Beta Preferences
Language: English
Content Rating: Fiction K » M
Categories: categories in black are ones this beta has authored for
Movie Avengers
Tv Doctor Who
Book Harry Potter
Book Inheritance Cycle
Book Percy Jackson and the Olympians
Tv Supernatural
Misc X-overs
Genres: genres in black are ones this beta has authored for