quinn321 's Beta Reader Profile
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since: 04-29-14, id: 5697418
Author has written 6 stories | Frozen, Harry Potter, and Chronicles of Narnia.
β : quinn321 is a registered beta reader and is currently accepting beta reading requests.
Beta Description
Beta Bio: general description as a beta reader
Greetings, fellow storytellers! I am Quinn, and I enjoy serving as a beta almost as much as telling my own stories. I am nearing the end of my Masters degree. At that point, perhaps I will immerse myself in my own projects again. For the moment, beta reading allows me a taste of the creative process without the pressure of being the author. So… thank you!

I enjoy every aspect of the writing process. As a beta reader, I usually have the pleasure of coming along the author in the areas of proofreading, spellchecking, grammar-tweaking, plot hole hunting, and dialogue-honing. I have a background in public speaking, newspapers, and theatre – I like logical, coherent storytelling that is impactful and thematic. Though it seems rare, I enjoy it when an author invites my input and feedback during the early stages of brainstorming, world-building, character development, and scene-mapping. Even so, I am happy to restrict my comments to spelling and grammar should that be the author’s preference.

When an author emails me a document, I first read it in totality. Then I go through the document very slowly, inserting comments (colored, bracketed, italicized). I make no changes to the text itself. I have found that this style of feedback allows the author to assess my comment in the context of their original work and make whatever decision they deem appropriate. For authors that like a lot of feedback, this often means I return a document that that has doubled in length! If you like less feedback, I’m happy to oblige. Though there are days that I am not able to spend time beta reading, I do my best to return a chapter in about 24 hours.

As for my expectations, I ask that authors be respectful. I will usually offer far more feedback than I expect an author to use. Please do not take my suggestions as an attack on your writing! I will offer you my thoughts, and they are yours to use or discard. It’s your story; I have no interest in hijacking it! Aside from that, I don’t have expectations of authors I work with. Be creative! Experiment! This is fan fiction – a chance to play in a world that has already sparked the imaginations of you and your readers. So grab an idea and run! I’ll be on the sidelines, cheering you on.

My Strengths: beta, writing, or reading strengths
My shelf is full of books on grammar, language, and storytelling. I have served as a writing tutor and English teacher. I am American – I am comfortable reading for writers of other English speaking countries, but I keep a dictionary open to check on alternate spellings.

If you are looking for someone who is willing to read the same chapter four times, to brainstorm symbolism, character, foreshadowing, and themes… I’m your guy. If you just want a quick proofread for spelling, grammar, and continuity, I’m there for you as well. It’s not as fun, but I’ll still enjoy doing it!

There are certain worlds I’ll be especially helpful in – my geekdom extends pretty thoroughly in Harry Potter, Star Wars, Narnia, the Matrix, DC and Marvel, Smallville, Firefly, Disney films, Power Rangers, and… well, My Little Pony. I could say that last one owes to my being the father of two young girls, but let’s be honest: fantastic storytelling is fantastic storytelling.

My Weaknesses: beta, writing, or reading weaknesses
I try to turn around a chapter in one day. This becomes more difficult when I’m pushing deadlines at work or in my studies. It becomes even more difficult when I’m working with too many authors. For that reason, I am sometimes rather selective about what stories I commit to as a beta reader. That said, I will always let authors know when circumstances are causing me to take more time than I like.
Preferred: types of stories I prefer over others
Though I’m willing to beta read for a universe I’m unfamiliar with, I love working in worlds I know. The lists here are not comprehensive – feel free to ask!

I like stories that make me think and surprise me. I like dynamic characters that develop and grow through the story. I like humor. I like romance. I like drama, even angst.

I like good storytelling, I suppose.

Would Rather Not: I do not beta for these stories
I will beta for stories of any rating, but the kind of things that bring about the “M” rating need to be rooted in character development and move the story forward. I am uncomfortable with gratuitous violence, language, or sexuality if there is no reason for them to be there.
Beta Preferences
Language: English
Content Rating: Fiction K » M
Categories: categories in black are ones this beta has authored for
Book Chronicles of Narnia
Comic DC Superheroes
Movie Frozen
Book Harry Potter
Comic Marvel
Movie Star Wars
Genres: genres in black are ones this beta has authored for