Dranzen 's Beta Reader Profile
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since: 03-14-04, id: 554239
Author has written 15 stories | Beyblade, Star Wars, Harry Potter, and Prince of Tennis.
β : Dranzen is a registered beta reader and is currently accepting beta reading requests.
Beta Description
Beta Bio: general description as a beta reader
I am here to help the writer. I know how much a story can improve with a little behind-the-scenes help, and that if a writer and a reader only take the initiative this improvement can be humongous and much-appreciated.

I will read through just about any type of fic, and I will give advice as I see is necessary. If there is a grammatical or spelling error, I will tell you or fix it myself. I don't expect the writer to follow all advice, nor change the voice they're seeking because of something a reader or myself have said.

Communication is the key.

My Strengths: beta, writing, or reading strengths
Spelling, grammar, characterization and flow are my strong beta points.
My Weaknesses: beta, writing, or reading weaknesses
Gargling at something truly fantastic and just not being meticulous enough. As a writer, I'm pretty weak in organization so one must assume that the same is true for beta-reading.
Preferred: types of stories I prefer over others
Prince of Tennis: Fuji/Ryoma, Tezuka/Ryoma, Oishi/Eiji, Inui/Kaidoh, Momo/An, Atobe/Sanada, Fujicest, Tezuka, Ryoma, Eiji, An

Harry Potter: Harry/Cedric, Harry/Draco, Teddy/James(II), Ron/Hermione, Harry/Ron, Luna/Neville, Sirius/Remus, Remus/James, James/Lily, 'Next Gen', AU, Harry, Cedric, Teddy

Beyblade: Tyson/Kai, Rei/OC, Rei/Hilary, Max/Mariam, AU, Next Gen

KOTOR: Atton/Exile(m/f), (m/f)Revan/Carth, Novelizations, KOTOR 3 fics

The Darkangel Trilogy: post-trilogy anything

Jyu Oh Sei: Anything

High School Debut: Asaoka/Haruna, Haruna/Yoh, Haruna, humor, drama

Sailor Moon: AU, Seiya/Usagi, Mamoru/Usagi, Haruka/Michiru, post-series, Haruka, Rei

Fable: Novelization

Would Rather Not: I do not beta for these stories
...um. This is actually pretty hard to answer. I'll read just about anything. :)
Beta Preferences
Language: English
Content Rating: Fiction K » M
Categories: categories in black are ones this beta has authored for
Anime Beyblade
Game Fable
Book Harry Potter
Anime High School Debut
Anime Jyu Oh Sei
Misc Misc. Books
Anime Prince of Tennis
Anime Sailor Moon
Game Star Wars
Genres: genres in black are ones this beta has authored for