Paradigm of Writing 's Beta Reader Profile
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since: 07-15-13, id: 4885380
Author has written 90 stories | Hunger Games, Pokémon, Super Smash Brothers, Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Lord of the Rings, Infernal Devices, Cassandra Clare, Until Dawn, Game of Thrones, and Star Wars.
β : Paradigm of Writing is a registered beta reader and is currently accepting beta reading requests.
Beta Description
Beta Bio: general description as a beta reader
My penname is Paradigm of Writing, and I'm twenty, a junior in his later half of the Junior sector. in college. When I beta-read, I read fast, but manage to find as much detail in the writing as possible. My review style is to be quick, yet complex and show as much buzz and pleasure as possible. Finding negatives in something isn't as easy as it sounds and/or looks. Due to the age groups of what this site has to offer some stories aren't as successful as others. I am busy with my own stories and school and all of those other things so, I may not get back to you right away. My writing is what I consider to be very mature yet, can find niches in all ages. I will read mature content and will give my approval/disapproval if needed. I will never nitpick every little detail of a story. I will be to the point. I expect to see good grammar, first and foremost. I will read dark writing as I am a dark writer myself. In return for my service, a review of one of my creations would be appreciated due to the fact that not everything is sugar-coated for you and thrown on a dainty silver plate. Criticism makes a person stronger in whatever they lack. I hope you consider me for a beta-reader.
My Strengths: beta, writing, or reading strengths
In my opinion, I have a strength in my vocabulary and my description of characters, settings etc... Now, am I perfect? Of course I'm not perfect. But, we can all strive to be. I have a strength for mature and dark writing. It may not be something to exactly call a strength, but more as an improvement, which is that I write longer chapters now, so I can bear with longer material. It can be a way to say that I've undergone some mental preparation for writing and/or reading material that is 10,000-30,000 words long. Over the years, I have certainly, as I've been told, have gotten a great knack for dialogue and characters as a whole, which is a wonderful trait, I hope!
My Weaknesses: beta, writing, or reading weaknesses
My weaknesses as a beta reader/writer would have to be the action sequences I make and the grammatical errors in my stories. There aren't many of them, but the ones I do notice I try to change and there are some that well, I can't understand due to my age. A weakness as a beta-reader is that I do have trouble finding negatives in writing, but I try my best.
Preferred: types of stories I prefer over others
I will read any romance story anyone has. I will also read Pokémon, Hunger Games, Lord of the Rings, Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Super Smash Bros, The Infernal Devices, Arrested Development, The Handmaid's Tale, Game of Thrones, Scooby-Doo, and Marvel as my preferred, definitely, as I'm generally not fandom blind. I have a fondness for Yaoi (no Yuri), Adventure, Horror, Romance, Friendship, and Mystery. If you have a new upcoming story on any of those genres and any of those archives, I will gladly try to take some time and read what you have to offer. I take Teen and Mature stories over Kid rating.
Would Rather Not: I do not beta for these stories
I will not read any anime or anything that is below Teen. Just no. Sorry for anyone who would want me to but, sadly no.
Beta Preferences
Language: English
Content Rating: Fiction K » M
Categories: categories in black are ones this beta has authored for
Book A song of Ice and Fire
Tv Game of Thrones
Book Hunger Games
Book Infernal Devices, Cassandra Clare
Book Lord of the Rings
Game Mario
Book Maximum Ride
Book Mortal Instruments
Tv Newsroom
Game Outlast
Book Percy Jackson and the Olympians
Game Pokémon
Cartoon SpongeBob SquarePants
Movie Star Wars
Game Super Smash Brothers
Game Until Dawn
Genres: genres in black are ones this beta has authored for