Damn Fine Burnt Pumpkin Seed 's Beta Reader Profile
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since: 05-24-13, id: 4744504
Author has written 4 stories | Fairy Tail.
β : Damn Fine Burnt Pumpkin Seed is a registered beta reader and is currently accepting beta reading requests.
Beta Description
Beta Bio: general description as a beta reader
I'm not picky about writers, everyone has a different view of the story!... No matter how twisted... Or creepy... But please keep the formatting neat, that's all I'll ask for! I'm not to sure if I wanna beta horror/mystery. My specialty is definitely humor and romance! One more thing I'd like to add, since I'm Canadian, the way I spell some words may be different from how you spell it. (Colour-Color, favour-favor)
My Strengths: beta, writing, or reading strengths
I'd say I'm best in spelling and grammar, and I will correct and read through any story, no matter how long it may take...
My Weaknesses: beta, writing, or reading weaknesses
Punctuation. That is something I will never ever be able to perfect. Don't ask me about commas or colons, because I most likely won't be able to answer you. My vocabulary isn't something I'd like to brag about either...
Preferred: types of stories I prefer over others
I'm a big fan of humor and romance, and the both of them together is definitely my favourite!
Would Rather Not: I do not beta for these stories
M RATED STORIES. As much as I like reading them, I don't specialize in them. Horror and mystery is also something I won't do, so please keep that in mind!
Beta Preferences
Language: English
Content Rating: Fiction K » T
Categories: categories in black are ones this beta has authored for
Anime Fairy Tail
Anime Pandora Hearts
Anime Watashi ni xx Shinasai!/わたしに××しなさい!
Genres: genres in black are ones this beta has authored for