QueenLiver 's Beta Reader Profile
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since: 08-17-03, id: 440568
Author has written 6 stories | Boondock Saints, and Skins.
β : QueenLiver is a registered beta reader and is currently accepting beta reading requests.
Beta Description
Beta Bio: general description as a beta reader
My expectations are that you proofread and spell check before you ship your story off to me and that you know what the hell you are talking about. I refuse to read a story about, say, The Boondock Saints, when you don't even know that Rocco did in fact die (please don't challenge me at all on this movie; I've watched it more times than any human ever should). Now, what you can do is state, Hay hay hay! My story takes place before Rocco dies! And, boom, I'm perfectly fine with that.

Now, you might be whining about having to proofread and spell check your work before you send it off to me. Please, don't. If you haven't put some sort of heart into your own work, why should I put some sort of heart into it, when it's not even mine?

We might have a problem if you think you're a comedian but you're really just flat out...not.

If you're still reading, that must mean I would really like to beta your story. I believe that I can beta your story quite well because I enjoy reading and writing any chance I get, I believe I can give constructive criticism where needed, and I believe I can fill plot holes up quite nicely. I have a tendency to disappear from the Internet for a couple of days at a time but, if it's not school related, I'll normally be back within a small window of time.

[Side note: At the moment, I'm helping beta a rather large project for a friend; that's really all that will stand in the way of me beta-ing for you.]

If we hop on the beta-ing train together, I'll gladly fork over my MSN/AIM name(s) so we can chat it up about your story live.

My Strengths: beta, writing, or reading strengths
GRAMMAR! HUZZAH! I might as well get a cape that bears a "GF" on the back for Grammar Freak. I don't take lightly to people who don't understand that "alot" is not a word and that you simply cannot end your sentences with a preposition. It just doesn't work.
My Weaknesses: beta, writing, or reading weaknesses
Spelling, bazing. I really can't spell worth a dime but I have spell check on both the Internet and Microsoft Word/Open Office, so I catch ninety-nine percent of my mistakes.

Also, my weakest spot in grammar (oh no) is "who vs. whom". I hate it and I can never remember what my Sophomore year Latin teacher taught me about the stupid words.

Preferred: types of stories I prefer over others
Really, there's not. I'll give pretty much anything a shot. I'd prefer to beta for something that I've read/seen before because that makes it much easier on little old me. I'd send myself a message asking if I've ever seen (or even heard of) what I want me to beta. That'd be quite nice.
Would Rather Not: I do not beta for these stories
I haven't a clue, really. Since this is FanFiction, I'm open to really anything. OH! Except anime. I don't even know if I spelled that right, but those guys can get pretty crazy...
Beta Preferences
Language: English & Latin
Content Rating: Fiction K » M
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Genres: genres in black are ones this beta has authored for