Jacynthe Demorae 's Beta Reader Profile
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since: 01-11-01, id: 35387
Author has written 6 stories | Andromeda, Mummy, Final Fantasy X, Misc. Movies, Final Fantasy VII, and Devil May Cry.
β : Jacynthe Demorae is a registered beta reader and is currently accepting beta reading requests.
Beta Description
Beta Bio: general description as a beta reader
I specialize in basic spelling, grammar, punctuation, and plot-hole spotting. If *American English* is not your native language, please notify me of this. I prefer first contact to be by e-mail, without story inclusion. Tell me your fandom, a little of what your story is about, and if you object to certain "American English" auto-corrections: double-quotes for dialogue, end comma inside closing quotation mark, etc. Tell me what is it is you wish me to look out for--characterization, plot coherence, spelling, timeline issues, "is my OC a Sue/Stu?" I will reply back, one way or another, but please give me 24 hours either way. *You must provide me with a way to contact you if DocX gets cranky!* I will let you know what formats my computer can handle. Regarding pairings... I will often beta what I will not read for pleasure, but please tell me if your story centers on a particular pairing. There are some I simply cannot work with.
My Strengths: beta, writing, or reading strengths
Plot coherence, spelling, word usuage. I can recognize most non-American English spellings and know when to leave them alone if it's appropriate for the story. I have experience in working with writers for whom English (in any of its varieties) is not their native language. I am willing to discuss changes, and will respect your 'hard line' limits if you respect mine. I can also help with creating summaries.
My Weaknesses: beta, writing, or reading weaknesses
I am not psychic. I cannot advise you on writing in canons I am not familiar with, especially fandoms with multiple canons. I need to work *with* you to keep 'my' voice out of your story. I can provide suggestion. You are free to disregard. I requite a few days of turn-around time, so if you're looking for a 'hot off the press once-over,' I'm not your beta.
Preferred: types of stories I prefer over others
Slash, yaoi, AU, non-graphic het, drama, supernatural, suspense, BDSM. For SMT Persona stories: 3&4 only please. FF7: original game, Lost Order, AC-canon, but not familiar enough with the Compilation to handle others.
Would Rather Not: I do not beta for these stories
M-preg, self-insert, 'crack' 'hilarity ensues' stories, poetry, long-lost relative/ previously unmentioned sibling of canon character, Westerners in Japan just because, retelling other canons within another (let's put the cast of {this] into [that]!), high school AUs, rape, child-of-canon character.
Beta Preferences
Language: English
Content Rating: Fiction K » M
Categories: categories in black are ones this beta has authored for
Book A song of Ice and Fire
Anime Aria/アリア
Anime Crescent Moon
Game Devil May Cry
Game Final Fantasy VII
Game Final Fantasy X
Book Lord of the Rings
Anime Mirage of Blaze
Game Persona Series
Anime Utena
Game Xenosaga
Genres: genres in black are ones this beta has authored for