Beta Bio: general description as a beta reader
I really don't think I am a super beta-reader on any grounds (when it comes to my own fics, at least), but I'm always willing to lend a hand to anyone who wants it. I have beta-read fics before, primarily that of my close IRL or online friends, but as long as I have the time, I saw no reason as to why I couldn't try lending a hand to other people. I have most often been asked to beta-read over fics involving more graphic scenes, including PWP. I have mainly beta-read video game fanfics such as Tekken or television fics such as from Supernatural, Heroes or House, MD, and have also helped people with fight scenes between characters from fighting games like Tekken or Mortal Kombat, though I have also beta-read fanfics for animes I have never seen or books I have never read to help a person catch typos (though I must admit I still prefer reading from franchises I'm familiar with) I am very familiar with almost ALL horror movies and many sci-fi movies, so if someone wants me to read over a fic pertaining to these categories I am very willing to do so. |
My Strengths: beta, writing, or reading strengths
I've been told my greatest strength is dialogue. I can help with punctuation and quotations, and I can catch run-ons and repeat words, and I have also *finally* come to learn the nature of dialogue tag-line abuse... I can also help with descriptions relating to a character's thoughts, appearance, or general mood. If a fic is longer, I can help a person word things in a way that will tie up lose ends if that is the author's wish. If a person just needs me to help clean up the general writing style of a fic, I can do that as well. If the fic pertains to a franchise I am more familiar with, I can also help with character development if asked. |
My Weaknesses: beta, writing, or reading weaknesses
I can sometimes miss words which sound the same but are spelt differently, as in "bare" or "bear", and I can also miss similarly spelt words such as "ample" or "amble". I can also sometimes miss little words here and there such as "the", "a", "it", etc, every so often if they are missing from a sentence, since my mind will somehow insert the missing word into it, especially if I am speed-reading. |
Preferred: types of stories I prefer over others
I'll read just about anything. :) I suppose I am very fond of yaoi/slash and yuri/femslash, but I DO fancy mainstream and het pairings very much as well! I also like stories that focus on a single character's thoughts relating to an event or to another character, or fics where two or more characters simply talk things over. I love fics with a sense of humor, be it crazy or dark. I love 'what if?' scenarios. I fancy murder mysteries. I adore horror stories. Also certain lovable dramas or wacky comedies. Still, my favorite fics to beta are for Tekken, Heroes, Supernatural and House MD, though as long as I am at least somewhat familiar with the franchise I have NO problem whatsoever beta-reading the ficcage. :) |
Would Rather Not: I do not beta for these stories
I must admit I never was partial to Mary-Sues or Mary-Stus, or to fic centering *completely* around an original character - unless the fic regards a horror franchise. However, I will absolutely not read fanfiction whose primary intent is to bash or 'hate on' the character(s) in a way that could be considered offensive; such as fic that blatantly attacks a character for their depicted sexuality in canon or in the fic, their race, nationality, or their spiritual beliefs or lack thereof. If these topics are explored in fic, I definitely do not mind at all, I just do not want to read about the character(s) being attacked/bashed/hated on/made fun of over the topics I mentioned therein.Also, as much as I hate to admit it, I'm not very fond of beta-reading fics that would require my efforts specifically to re-write the entire story... If someone who is not very familiar with the English language as a primary is looking for someone to help them translate a fic to English, I'm not the person to ask, as I only know English and some German. :P |