Beta Bio: general description as a beta reader
I am an author on this site, hoping to help others and forge connections through beta-reading. I'm sixteen years old, still in high school and still very unsure of what to do with my life. One thing I know, though, is that I like writing, and I like to use fanfiction as a way to improve my writing. I'm new here, but I have a drive and passion for seeing people read and enjoy my stories, and I want to help those who feel the /br /br / br /br / br / The most necessary factor in whether a fic is enjoyable or not is whether or not it is clearly written, i.e. no grammatical mistakes, no awkward placing of words and phrases, etc. This is the first thing readers notice, and this is something I'll go after. Then, there are the common pitfalls in fanfic. In other words, those misspelled titles, badly written descriptions, and excessive exclamation points that make you sound like a fangirl, even if you're not. Finally, there's plot. I might surprise people by putting this third on the list, but the truth is that no matter how good the plot is, a lot of people will be turned off if they can't get past the jungle of grammatical errors that might be /br / br / br /br / br / I want to make sure I help every person who comes to me for help, so when you send a fiction, feel free to tell me what you want to express through your writing, as writing is always meant to express emotions and feelings, to try as best you can to make the undescribable describable. If you have a target or an ideal you're trying to reach, like, "I want to add tension to the story with this chapter," or something, feel free to tell me, and I'll do my best to help you. |
My Strengths: beta, writing, or reading strengths
I have a critical eye for tiny things, details, grammatical mistakes. I'm focused on the little things that help stories flow better. On my own stories, I go through paragraphs several times to try to pluck out extra words that interrupt the flow of the story, and sometimes I'll make minor edits to already published chapters to improve the way the words slide on the page. I want to focus on the details, and then I move onto the big picture. There, I'll sometimes sit for days thinking about the overall plot and desired effect of each chapter, and then I do my best to make everything weave together into something greater than the individual /br /br / br /br / br / I also like feedback and constructive criticism. I look for something more than just "Great!" or "Awesome fic" in reviews, and I hope to offer the same when I beta read. Not to say I'm going to completely tear you apart, of course! But if there's something you ought to improve, I'll say it. I'd like to work not as an editor, but as a partner in this sort of venture. |
My Weaknesses: beta, writing, or reading weaknesses
I'm sixteen. That's a biggie. They say, "Write what you know." I've got a general grasp on emotions and reactions, sort of. I'm meticulous in my research. So, since I write anime fanfic, I've got to write a lot about Japan, a country I've never been to. Even so, I'm inexperienced, and I haven't had as much to draw upon. It's mostly winging in that department! Also, I'm rather new as a writer here. I do best with usage and word choice, but I'm still improving as a writer myself, and I'm still trying to integrate the suggestions of other readers into my own writing. |
Preferred: types of stories I prefer over others
I like to read and watch anime/manga with some romantic overtones, as long as they don't overdo it or make it a superficial, shallow thing. Therefore, I like reading fanfictions with genuine romance, as in people being confused about their feelings for someone else and slowly growing in that love. Remember, that's different from fangirl-type fantasy pairings. Not to say I don't approve of some of those. I happen to like some pairings that aren't "official", myself. But you've got to make it credible and build up the romance, with the characters IN character. |
Would Rather Not: I do not beta for these stories
I don't do well with horror, violence, that sort of thing. It just isn't my type. As I've noted above, I really prefer fictions that integrate some romance. Ones that don't aren't as much my thing either. I don't really get into the plot as much, and that would affect the way I read and edit the fiction. |