Fishbein 's Beta Reader Profile
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since: 12-27-09, id: 2191061
Author has written 1 story | Harry Potter.
β : Fishbein is a registered beta reader and is currently accepting beta reading requests.
Beta Description
Beta Bio: general description as a beta reader
I do believe in spelling, I do, I do. I'm a spelling freak and grammar nazi, so if you just need another word-checker, I'm the lady you need! I'm pretty good at spotting inner story problems, such as plot holes, problems with items suddenly appearing with no explanation of how they got there, people suddenly appearing with no explanation of how they got there, etc.

As a person, I'm very laid back and easy-going, and as a beta in the past that carried over. It still does, but I don't like being walked on and/or being yelled at to hurry up and beta-read. I mean this as in the case of: you email me the chapter of your story and three hours later want to know why it's not done. I check my email frequently during the day, and can usually be done within a day or two, depending on the story. I also have a job that does take up a lot of my time, since I travel. However, if it's been a few days and you haven't heard from me (because I'll usually let you know if it'll be a bit longer than normal), you're more than welcome to yell at me then. Just, you know, wait two days, at least, please. :)

As a beta, I give advice, and constructive criticism. If you only want me to check for grammar/spelling, then that's fine, but tell me. Sometimes I come off as blunt and rude in my con-crits, but I don't mean to be. I'm just cracking down to business and telling you what needs to be fixed, what is really good, what seems weird, etc. Most often I have just as much good to say about something as I do about what I have to say needs to be fixed.

Also, as a beta, I would like it if you respected my opinions, because I will be respecting yours, but I'm not saying my word is law. Constructive criticism is just that - constructive. And advice doesn't have to be taken if you don't want it, but I will supply it anyways, usually. :)

I prefer seeing characters staying in character, but half the fun of fanfiction is letting them get out of their boxes, so all I ask is for you to stipulate if they will be in or out of character so I know what to expect and what not to edit.

My Strengths: beta, writing, or reading strengths
Spelling and grammar are probably what I'm best at. I keep a mental dictionary, thesaurus and punctuation stored in my head at all times. :)

I'm also good at spotting continuity errors, and if I know the characters, usually can see if they're getting out of character. On my profile I have a list of books and movies I know well and adore, but I might have already read the fandom your story is from, so ask me. :)

I'm also a fast reader and can probably get your story back to you within one or two days. If I can't, I'll usually let you know.

My Weaknesses: beta, writing, or reading weaknesses
I don't know any other languages very well; my main language is English. However, I do know some Japanese and can usually figure out Spanish and French. I'll take a whack at translating if you like, but I might not be able to help/do a good job. :(

Sometimes, I have the attention span of a four year old that's just figured out what coffee is, so I can get sidetracked by other things. However, if you yell at me to get a grip, I usually come to my senses! XD

Preferred: types of stories I prefer over others
I don't really have a preference of stories. Fluff is fun, serious stories are fun, I'm good with doing slash, and it's always adventure time! I guess it's really more of a case by case basis.

I guess the only real preference is for stories from fandoms I know already, but even that isn't solid, because I love reading and will probably go buy the book and get up to specs on it. :P

Would Rather Not: I do not beta for these stories
I don't like haters, so unless it's in character for the character, I don't really like excessive swearing.

I absolutely don't do anything racist, religiously explicit, or exceedingly abusive. But like I said before, it's kind of a case by case thing.

Beta Preferences
Language: English & Japanese
Content Rating: Fiction K » M
Categories: categories in black are ones this beta has authored for
All Anime/Manga
All Books
All Misc
All Movies
All Plays/Musicals
Genres: genres in black are ones this beta has authored for