MountainRose 's Beta Reader Profile
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since: 08-07-09, id: 2039639
Author has written 10 stories | Fullmetal Alchemist, Harry Potter, and Avengers.
β : MountainRose is a registered beta reader and is currently accepting beta reading requests.
Beta Description
Beta Bio: general description as a beta reader
I'll look over your spelling, sentence structure, and the basics of self-consistency like dates and locations in an initial read through. After that, there's in-character checking and, if you want, analysis of tension and flow in things as a whole. br /br /br /br /

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I tend to be prompt and can manage 6k in a day, so big projects are not a problem, not at all. br /br /br /br /

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Additionally, I'm a scientist by profession, if you've got something with a lot of science (Tony Stark, anyone?) I'm pretty good at getting techno-babble to sound convincing, even if you're talking about something completely non-existent, and even better at getting facts right. br /br /br /br /

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My main Fandoms are Harry Potter, the Avengers and Sherlock Holmes in all its forms.

My Strengths: beta, writing, or reading strengths
Plot consistency; you said (a) in chapter six, but (b) in chapter seven, which is true?br /br /br /br /

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Science. ALL THE SCIENCE. br /br /br /

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Also, whump, injury, medicine and mental health issues. I have training in neurology, psychology and physiology, and a sideline in modern, evidence based medicine.

My Weaknesses: beta, writing, or reading weaknesses
Sex. I'll get it grammatically correct, but I wouldn't know where to start to advise on anything else.
Preferred: types of stories I prefer over others
Something with a bit of meat, like I said above, I like hefty projects. br /br /br /

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I love working on anything with Tony Stark, JARVIS, Coulson, Bruce Banner and the rest of the Avengers, particularly with a Science! angle, but also anything whumpy or angsty. br /br /br /

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Ships I will love you for writing: br /br /br /

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Tony Stark/Steve Rogersbr /br /br /

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Tony/Brucebr /br /br /

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OT6 (or 7, I don't judge, there's too much sexy in the room. Everyone is Poly!because Avengers is a legitimate sexual orientation)br /br /br /

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Coulson/Clint Bartonbr /br /br /

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Natasha/feminism or Natasha/female empowerment ;) br /br /br /

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Tony/Pepper (there isn't enough real, Tony!feels Pepperony out there. We can do it guys!)br /br /

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Sherlock/John, Holmes/Watson, the Detective and his Doctor. Even Moffatt ships that, who am I to say anything different.

Would Rather Not: I do not beta for these stories
Things to do with core characters dying without coming back, miscarriages, or not-safe-sane-or-consensual intimate /

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LOKI. Just, no. Unless he's the villain he is supposed to be, i can't beta him. No. He's a clinical psychopath, and I wont put up with him any other way. br /

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Big OCs. Just... owie. I prefer not.

Beta Preferences
Language: English
Content Rating: Fiction K » M
Categories: categories in black are ones this beta has authored for
Movie Avatar
Movie Avengers
Movie Captain America
Anime Fullmetal Alchemist
Book Harry Potter
Comic Ironman
Genres: genres in black are ones this beta has authored for