Archsage Soren 's Beta Reader Profile
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since: 01-19-08, id: 1479184
Author has written 6 stories | Gundam Wing/AC, Fire Emblem, and Legend of Zelda.
β : Archsage Soren is a registered beta reader and is currently accepting beta reading requests.
Beta Description
Beta Bio: general description as a beta reader
If you need a beta-reader, just send me a PM or email with a basic description of the story. If there's sci-fi, action, drama, romance, horror, or somehow supernatural there's a high chance I'm interested. Try to keep the Yaoi content low, or at least the intensity. I'm not telling you how to write, mind you, just how to judge which stories to send me. I've been mighty busy lately, but I'll make time for you.
My Strengths: beta, writing, or reading strengths
Helpful ideas or single chapter long subplots, often spelling (Odd, I am not that good at it in RL but in other peoples stories... I rock), a good deal of times I can pick up on the To/Two/Too grammar error type (My stories have a lot of those errors, but it's like the spelling. When editing I do great.) I do better Beta-ing than in my own chapters. Small and Large errors rarely escape my gaze when I read.
My Weaknesses: beta, writing, or reading weaknesses
I have to be careful not to fall into stereotypes, so don't expect a lot of help there V_V Um, I am not sure how fast I will be, but 2 weeks should be an absolute maximum. That should almost NEVER happen. 1 week or shorter is a better expectation, but never assume I won't have trouble requiring a few more days.
Preferred: types of stories I prefer over others
Fire Emblem, Zelda, Gundam Wing, Death Note, Teen rated stories, stories with pairings overall, whether it is the main point of the story or not, drama or action also preferred. Comedy is also good. Bleach, Soul Caliber, Gundam 00, and a lot of other shit too, so it's always good to just ask me. If the yaoi is not really played on a lot, like in Both Sides Of The Tracks by my best buddy on the site, Anonymous Void, I will be willing to beta it, despite my normal hatred of reading the genre. Okay, I mean his tamer chapters. His Lemony Read that story and compare, if they work similarly with the yaoi content, I will beta. Any more focus on yaoi and you will get denied.
Would Rather Not: I do not beta for these stories
Where Yaoi IS the main plot, PWPs, things I have never watched/read/played/heard of (I will try, but I might hurt more than help), Sailor Moon XD, TMNT, Avatar, and more often than not stories based on a book (Leave the books ALONE) If I have never heard of it, I will try and Wikipedia will be my adviser. I don't really WANT to beta something unknown to me, but honest to god I will try my best. Sorry, I am Agnostic, honest to god doesn't mean a lot. I still swear I will try my best, though.
Beta Preferences
Language: English
Content Rating: Fiction K » M
Categories: categories in black are ones this beta has authored for
Anime Gundam Wing/AC
Genres: genres in black are ones this beta has authored for