hefloandizzy 's Beta Reader Profile
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since: 12-20-07, id: 1449483
Author has written 2 stories | Avatar: Last Airbender.
β : hefloandizzy is a registered beta reader and is currently accepting beta reading requests.
Beta Description
Beta Bio: general description as a beta reader
hefloandizzy is a shared account. We're a duo, heflo does most of the writing, I finish up and edit grammar and spelling. When I'm bored, I like to edit stories and such, but heflo has a tiny bit more life than I do, so she doesn't always have something for me to work on. If you'd like me to help with your stories, then I should be familiar with what you want me to do. I can change vocabulary, spelling, grammar, and things like that but if you want me to add on and do much more than that, then I need to be familiar with the setting, what you want done, and the character personalities and such.
My Strengths: beta, writing, or reading strengths
Honestly, I'm sort of a Jill of all trades. I'm not horrendous at anything, and I'm not exceedingly great at anything, either. I'm good when spelling, grammar (mechanics like punctuation and etc), capitalization, all that good stuff. I've always gotten A's in English because I'm a nerd like that. I've been told that I'm excellent when it comes to the portrayal of a character with a strong personality (fearless, psychotic, evil...) and for some reason I have a habit of planning out every little detail about my favorite characters. I do well writing in every perspective, but I think I work best with first person and third person omniscient. I personally love writing about teenage characters, but that's just a preference and I don't have a problem writing about any other aged character.
My Weaknesses: beta, writing, or reading weaknesses
If I'm not familiar with something, it's hard to write. If you have a fanfiction where the character's have different personalities, then tell me. Explain to me (for an AU or different setting) how relationships are, what the characters do, their personality, family, outlook. I like to be one hundred and ten percent clear. If you don't like excessive questioning, then I'm afraid I wouldn't be the right editor for you. Sometimes I see things in black and white, other days my views are super abstract. My writing usually depends on my mood, so if I'm angry, one of my characters is gonna have a hissy fit for some reason, and if I'm super happy, it's gonna be a weird, bubbly chapter. Though, I like to do my writing around 2am when I'm bored and need inspiration. Literature does strange things to people...
Preferred: types of stories I prefer over others
Let's see, I'm a huge fan of anime, books, some movies, and some games. I can't say I don't watch TV, but I watch it a lot less often than the majority of people do, so I'm at a loss for tv shows and movies. If there's a movie that I love and they touch my heart, then I would probably be willing to do anything with that story. Check my fictionpress account [aimegracen] to view a nearly complete list of my preferences.
Would Rather Not: I do not beta for these stories
I refuse to write anything with excessive sexual tension or excessive cursing. I simply love blood and guts and gorey stories, but something with sex every other chapter just isn't appealing to me and makes me queasy. I know, I'm weird. I guess I'm fine writing about drugs, but just so you know, I've got absolutely no knowledge on them ;)
Beta Preferences
Language: English
Content Rating: Fiction K » K+
Categories: categories in black are ones this beta has authored for
Game Half-Life
Game Heavenly Sword
Game Legend of Zelda
Game Mirror's Edge
Game Portal
Game Psychonauts
Genres: genres in black are ones this beta has authored for