Jack The Riddler 's Beta Reader Profile
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since: 10-07-07, id: 1393191
Author has written 3 stories | .hack/SIGN, and Avatar: Last Airbender.
β : Jack The Riddler is a registered beta reader and is currently accepting beta reading requests.
Beta Description
Beta Bio: general description as a beta reader
I'm a pretty strait forward person. If you story blows, I'll tell you strait out. I enjoy to read, so whenever I can get around to reading your story, I will. Also, even though common sense should tell you this, if I don't know the game, show, anime, manga, or anything else that your writing a fanfic for, some things will probably have to be explained. Or, if your one of those lazy ass holes, I can try to beta for you without a background to go on.... but don't expect a good review.
My Strengths: beta, writing, or reading strengths
my expertise:

Humor: If your looking for funny, look no further. I am the guy your looking for.

Angst: It isn't my best subject, but I'm fairly decent when it comes to Angst. However, if you're looking for the tear-jerker of the century, I'm not the best guy to ask.

creativity: If your story needs some originality, you can go to no better person.

Grammer: I is not be the best, but me is ain't that bad.

Spelling: beliive eet or nart, butt manny peepoll doon't use thier spell chegg opshun.

Logic: I love to explain things. If it doesn't make sense, I will bring it up, and help correct it. That's not to say that I don't have the right amount of suspension of disbelief for the sake of a story.

Romance: I've read plenty romance books/manga, know plenty of the Cliches, and lots the typical mistakes. This is honestly my strongest point (it is tied with humor.)

M rated material: Although it isn't my proudest strength, I've got a fair amount of knowledge about this subject. Most of it would be common sense, I guess, but it seems that many writers on this site lack that.

My Weaknesses: beta, writing, or reading weaknesses
mystery/crime: Anything under this category, I hate writing. I can do it, if you really have some other stuff going on in your story, but if you come to me with a flat out mystery story, I'll probably deny it... unless it's as good as Death Note. But it's not...
Preferred: types of stories I prefer over others
romance, comedy, action, action/adventure, romantic comedy, fantasy, sci-fi.
Would Rather Not: I do not beta for these stories
Again, if you come to me with mystery, I will almost always deny it! Also, you can try, but if you come to me with anything with a spiritual theme, we will most likely get into an argument over religion and spirituality. So don't.
Beta Preferences
Language: English
Content Rating: Fiction K » M
Categories: categories in black are ones this beta has authored for
All Anime/Manga
All Books
All Cartoons
All Games
All TV Shows
Genres: genres in black are ones this beta has authored for