Michelle Pruitt 's Beta Reader Profile
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since: 07-25-07, id: 1335149
Author has written 9 stories | Harry Potter, and Mass Effect.
β : Michelle Pruitt is a registered beta reader and is currently accepting beta reading requests.
Beta Description
Beta Bio: general description as a beta reader
I mostly read for characterization or basic plot. I try to predict what a character would or wouldn't do in a situation depending on the description given thus far, and whether diction and word choice are applicable to certain situations. I'm pretty good with grammar and great with spelling, but when I beta I pay the most attention to how the characters themselves respond to plot. Anyone who wants me to beta for them can be any level of a writer, but I ask that you have enough passion to continue your work even if it gets hard or I say something that you don't like. I will constructively criticize, but I definitely don't send flames. I'd like to beta for someone that's versatile, someone who I can work with and share ideas with without them getting upset if something conflicts with their original ideas.
My Strengths: beta, writing, or reading strengths
My strengths are spelling and description. I'm good at writing descriptive imagery. I also try to look for the best possible way to convey certain feelings or situations, for example: This setting is good, but could it be better if... etc. Stuff like that. Um... I don't really know what else to put here. But I'm in the middle of proofreading my friend's novel and my grandmother's next novel, so I've got a pretty good amount of experience with this sort of thing. Many of my classmates also come to me when they want someone to proofread their papers for English.
My Weaknesses: beta, writing, or reading weaknesses
Weaknesses for me are grammar. I'm good with basics like run-ons and fragments, but the more complex ideas are completely lost upon me. Also, if I'm not very familiar with a topic and don't really understand the subject material, then I can't provide a whole lot of input. I also have some issues with organization, and whenever i try to write a one-shot it ends up being a full-length fic. So I have problems with condensing into a short story.
Preferred: types of stories I prefer over others
I love love love romance, but I'll read anything. I also love Harry Potter stories, but again, I'd be willing to read anything. I also like Lord of the Rings, anything Final Fantasy, Shadow Hearts, Fullmetal Alchemist, InuYasha... lots of stuff. I do ask, however, if it's something that I'm not familiar with, please explain the basics of the plot so that I know what I need to to be able to add my advice to the story.
Would Rather Not: I do not beta for these stories
Naw, I'm willing to read just about anything, as long as the author has a passion for writing. Hit me with whatever ya got.
Beta Preferences
Language: English
Content Rating: Fiction K » M
Categories: categories in black are ones this beta has authored for
All Anime/Manga
All Books
All Cartoons
All Games
All Misc
All Movies
All TV Shows
Genres: genres in black are ones this beta has authored for