![]() ɦɛʏ sтɑʟĸɛʀ! ωɛʟcoϻɛ 2 ϻʏ pʀoғɪʟє! Gender: duh... Female Age: Look in the first paragraph My qualities: I am very hyper, I am very artistic, I can be freaky when I want to, I am Christian, I am self aware of my looks. I am a FanGirl, of... BUMBLEBEEEEE and.. Transformers... mostly Bumblebee Favourite Writers: VampireGurl12- She's the best person you can count on, she is super nice, is a GREAT writer, and she is my Best Friend ;) ratchetsfangirl- Amazing stories and is super nice!!! ;) SoundwavesFangirl250- Amazing stories!!!! ;) Makenna Witwicky- Love your stories!!!!!!!!!! Are you an AUTOBOT? l=lVl=l l=l l=l \l H l/ OR l\ .M. /l \l=V=l/ l\lVl/l A DECEPTICON? 1- WHO'S YOUR FAVORITE TRANSFORMER? Bumblebee. G1, Tfa, TfBay, Tfp. I mean... Who cant LUV bumblebee? 2- WHAT WOULD YOU DO IF YOU MET YOUR FAVORITE TRANSFORMER? I would scream and die 3- WHAT WOULD YOUR FAVORITE TRANSFORMER DO IF HE/SHE MET YOU? probley panic and say; I think I killed her!!! 4- WHAT MUSIC DOES HE/SHE LISTEN TO? Rock? 5- DO YOU HAVE AN OC? SilverStream (Bumblebees FemmeFriend) Skyfall (SIlverStreams brother and Arcees MechFriend) 6- WHAT WOULD YOUR OC DO IF HE/SHE MET YOUR FAVORITE TRANSFORMER? SilverStream: Kiss him SkyFall: Bro hug 7- WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE AUTOBOT? Bumblebee/Prowl/Sunstreaker/Sideswipe .. i guess bumblebee 8- WHAT THING COULD YOU IMAGINE HE/SHE DOING? Pranking, racing, and busting 9- WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE DECEPTICON? Soundwave or Knockout. i guess knockout 10- WHAT THING COULD YOU IMAGINE HE/SHE DOING? Obsessing of BreakDown, playing with lazerbeak 11- WHAT WOULD YOUR FAVORITE AUTOBOT AND DECEPTICON DO IF THEY MET EACH OTHER? Race to the end 12- WHO IS YOUR LEAST FAVORITE AUTOBOT? TfBay = Que (dont get me wrong i love wheelJack.. but seriously? name change and everything) 13- WHO IS YOUR LEAST FAVORITE DECEPTICON? Tfp= Arachnid 14-IF YOU MARRIED YOUR FAVORITE TRANSFORMER HOW MANY KIDS WOULD YOU HAVE? Classified ;D 15- WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE TRANSFORMERS PAIRING? BumblebeexArcee 16- HAVE YOU EVER CALLED A TRANSFORMER HOT? Classified ;D 17- IF YOU COULD TRANSFORM INTO A CAR, WHAT WOULD IT BE? Does a jet count? Idk... camaro? 18- WHO'S YOUR FAVORITE FEMALE AUTOBOT? Of course, Arcee 19- WHAT SIDE WOULD YOU JOIN? AUTOBOTS!!!!! Though, I would like to destroy that british chick _ -You have a spaz whenever you see a Peterbuilt Semi, Camaro, Hummer, or GMC Truck passes by. -You call your computer Teletran 1. -Names enemies after Decepticons. -Uses a Transformers reference whenever possible. -Whenever someones talking too fast, you call them Blurr. -You freak out whenever you see a cop car hiding in the shadows fearing it might be Barricade -You never try to look at a GMC Truck funny, since your afriad it's Ironhide. -You have dreams where you are a in the Transformers world. -You've watched Transformers at least 20 times, even more. -You pray to Primus. (Sometimes ;D but I still pray to god) -You dont call people creepers or stalkers, you call them Decepticreeps. -You have joined any Transformers fan clubs. -You've tried to do Jet Judo, and succedded. (Nope) -You've tried Jet Judo, and epicly failed. (Yep) -You sing the Transformers theme song everywhere and anywhere. (Well, the theme songs for some of the earlier generations...) -You were about to cry when Bumblebee was about to die in DOTM. (I was about to kill Bay) -You blame Blackout for most power outages. -You think that your Great Great Great Grandfather is an explorer, and you hold the key to your cities survival. -You get annoyed when you say Unicron, and people think you just said Unicorn. -You hate when people hate on Miko cause she's awsome. -You think that every evil person in the world is either a Decepticon agent, or a Pretender. (Or at least some of them) -You think that when the Autobots win the war, it should be declared a national holiday. -You think the Government is hiding the Autobots somewhere. -You go to visit Hoover Dam to make sure Megatrons all comfy cozy in layers of ice. -You annoy your friends and family with your constant Transformers talk. -Whenever you hear the word deception, you immdediatly think of Decepticons. -Whenever your friends say the worst thing happened, you ask if Decepticons attacked them. (Sometimes...) -You wish your phone was a Transformer. (And sometimes my computer, or my car) -You act nice to your car becuase you think its your gaurdian. The white man said, "Colored people are not allowed here." The black man turned around and stood up. He then said: "Listen sir...when I was born I was BLACK, When I grew up I was BLACK, When I'm sick I'm BLACK, When I go in the sun I'm BLACK, When I'm cold I'm BLACK, When I die I'll be BLACK. But you sir, When you're born you're PINK, When you grow up you're WHITE, When you're sick, you're GREEN, When you go in the sun you turn RED, When you're cold you turn BLUE, And when you die you turn PURPLE. And you have the nerve to call me colored?" The black man then sat back down and the white man walked away... You know you are obsessed with Transformers when….. You hug every yellow vehicle (mostly Camaros and Volkswagens) thinking its Bumblebee. -You are afraid to go near a yellow Lamborghini for fear you might accidentally mess up its paint job and incur the wrath of the sun. - You laugh uncontrollably when you see a red lambo and a cop car at once. - You can never look at a mustang the same way again (Barricade is a mustang. - You are distrustful of any black and white saleen mustang. -You suspect every semi truck with flames is Optimus Prime. -You name your green Jeep Hound -You don’t trust black cop cars for fear that it is Barricade. -You constantly wait for things to crash from Decepticon attack. -You cannot look at a boombox the same anymore. -You used to hate technology and now you love it. -You have read every bit of fan information to see what is going to happen in TF 4. -You see the title Deception and think Decepticon. -You mistake Auto body Repair with Autobot Repair. -Radio Controlled robots are no longer good enough for you. -You go to the Hoover dam to make sure Megatron is nice and safe in layers of ice. -You write your congressmen and senators asking to stop Sector 7 funding. -You start fights with Pirates of the Caribbean and Harry Potter fans and state a 200-page thesis why the Transformers are better then pirates and wizards. -You know more about the Transformers then the actors themselves. -You get an Autobot tattoo. -You get a Decepticon tattoo. -You see an ambulance and think it is Ratchet. -You claim one of the NASCAR’s is actually Hot Rod in disguise. -You state that Jenny (XJ9) is sucky in comparison to Arcee. -You know each song ever used in TF. -You think Stan Bush is hiding secrets to the locations of real TF’s. -You think Darth Vader is a wuss and Megatron is the real Lord of the Sith. -You want to join the Air Force or Navy just to fly a F-22 or F-15 or F-16. -You write an essay for school about what you want to grow up to be and you say you want to be an Autobot when you grow up. -You call the White House and suggest sending Scorponok to Iraq to end the war. -You are a scientist and want to be called Dr. Jetfire, or Dr. Starscream, or Dr. Preceptor. -You are known as General Jazz. -You call your gun Ironhide. -You claim that the train you took last year was Astrotrain. -You are a boy and change your name to Sam, Spike, or Sparkplug. -You are a girl and change your name to Carly or Michaela or Maggie. -You own every DVD, VHS, and Blu-Ray disk of TF. -You write your college essays on the show and its mythological parallelisms. -You pray to God for your very own Bumblebee. -You pray to Lord Primus instead of God. -You think your teachers attitude resembles that of Shockwaves. -You get your parents obsessed with it as well. -You give people headaches from constant babble on TF theories. -You start calling all insects; Insecticons. -You name old cassette tapes after Soundwaves. -You cannot hear the word blackout without thinking of Blackout. -You start trying to talk like Blurr. -You name your other green Jeep Brawn. -You say you are the real Prime. -You start allegiances at your school and cause a school wide war with the other side for power over the playground. -You think your teachers are really Decepticons in pretender shells. -You use Jetfire as a source for a science paper. -You cannot call construction machines by their proper name. And you start calling them by Constructicon names. -You think that all UFO's are Cosmos. -You go to a museum on natural history and call the dinosaurs by dinobot names. -You call your twin brothers Frenzy and Rumble. -You start comparing Real political figures with Decepticons and Autobots. -You run for class president under the saying “Peace through tyranny.” --or You run for class president under the saying “Freedom is the right of all sentient beings.” -You separate your family by fraction and sub-group. -You used to hate the color yellow and now love it. -You are a boy and wear pink to advertise Arcee for TF2. -You call Nasa and give them suggestions on improving technology based on Transformers designs. -You look at a map of astronomy and try to locate planet Junk or Cybertron. -You play Prowl vs Barricade instead of Good cop vs Bad cop. -You think Decepticons caused the California forest fires. -You claim every earthquake is caused by Rumble. -You claim the oil crisis is caused by Megatron wanting Energon. -You have reoccurring dreams where you are a Transformer. -You tell your physics teacher he/she is full of it and that the Transformers have proved that you can travel faster then speed of light is a possibility. -You covered your walls with TF pics. -You call your computer Teletran one. -You have the TF 2008 Calendar up on your wall and it is just 2007. -You are over the age 16 and still want Transformers bedding. -You want to collect the Dreamwave Comics even thought they went bankrupt and are incomplete stories. -You do not call electricity; electricity anymore and call it Energon now. -You refer soda as Energon as well. -You call your local garbage man Wreck-Gar. -You build a model of the Ark. -You also build a model of the Nemesis. -You then stage battles between your two new models. -You want to move to Iacon. -You think your local minister is really a member of the Ancients. -You try to do Circuit-su. - You try-and fail- to do Jet Judo. -You state that Global Warming is really a Great Shutdown of the planet. -You don’t say WTF anymore you say What the Matrix. (or What the Frag.) -You call your soul a spark now. -You think the head of congress is really a Quintessian. -You try to build a space bridge. -You think the end of the world will come from Unicron. -You want Vector Sigma. -You take to the shooting range to learn how to shoot moving targets. That way you can shoot down Decepticon Seekers. -You join Transformer fanclubs. -You own a Transformer related site. -You are the leader of a Transformers fanbase. -You need to seek psychiatric help for delusional disorder from transformers induced hallucinations. -You see anything TF and go fan crazy. -You want every toy even if it means importing it. -You want Takaras autograph. -You want to be a truck driver because you might get to meet Optimus that way. -You bought the DVD the first day it came out. -You saw the movie over 25 times. -Whenever you see a cool vehicle you wonder if it is a transformer in disguise -You think you see vehicle that look like the transformers themselves -When you can't look at a plane and/or jet the same way ever again -You talk to vehicles -You glare at vehicles that are parked outside of your house and are in a different position when you look black at |