Asami had been by his young wildcat's side for the last two days before he began to show signs of waking from the heavy sedation he had been under. Akihito blinked his eyes open and growled dangerously upon seeing the two doctors in their long white lab coats. Asami placed his hand gently upon Akihito's cheek, drawing the young man's attention. Akihito attempted to scratch Asami's hand but the older wolf moved fast to pin the younger cat down. "Behave Akihito or you may find I'll give you a lovely chain to go with your new collar!" Asami smirked as he saw and heard Akihito hissing.

Akihito twisted his side and realised he could no longer feel the wound upon his side; he pushed the blanket down and ripped the bandages to reveal smooth unblemished skin beneath. Akihito smirked just as both Kirishima and Suoh entered in time to see the young man jump from the bed and begin to morph into his feline form. He couldn't care less that anyone saw him; he just wanted out more badly than being seen. Asami realised too late what Akihito was planning as the young cat became his tall snow white self – minus the spots. The black collar glittered against the contrasting white fur as Akihito took in his surroundings. With his heightened senses as a cat he found out quickly which of the people gathered was more dangerous.

He knew instantly that going through the door was a massive no; since it meant trying to get past a wolf, dog and a freaking bear. Also he was curious as to why there was a crocodile in the room; its scales shimmered in the iridescent lighting on the ceiling. Akihito backed up growling as Asami issued orders to lock the door, also he slipped his hand behind his back and signalled to Suoh to circle around and block the window.

Akihito watched the morons move and smirked; his feline mouth curving up at the end baring his fangs to the group. That's when Akihito began to sparkle and he vanished from sight. "Do not move" growled Asami as his eyes transformed into his lupine eyes giving him the ability to see the young cat slipping towards the window. Moving rapidly Asami grabbed Akihito's tail and yanked him backwards, causing the young feline to screech at his painful grip. But Asami never let go instead opting to pull once again before lunging forward. The white cat became visible again as it snarled at him, trying to swipe the older wolf across the face causing Asami to laugh at him. Asami however never knew that the more Akihito was laughed at the more agitated he got until Akihito finally snapped. Turning, the young cat charged into Asami sending the older man crashing to the ground. Kirishima had thought fast and grabbed a roll of bandages from the unit and yelled "Grab him Suoh!"

Suoh heard his partners shout and barrelled forward gripping the young cat and pinned it with his massive arms and vice like bear grip. Kirishima came to the furious young cat's side and deftly wrapped the bandage around the snapping jaws trapping him in a make shift muzzle. Akihito growled as he tried fighting. Asami glared evilly at the doctor who tried approaching with the loaded needle "He does not require a sedative, all he needs is his master" growled Asami as he moved towards the struggling cat that growled deep within its throat at them. Akihito's eyes where wild as he glared at Asami's guards. "Out now!" Asami ordered the doctors whom quickly scrambled to get out of the older yakuza wolf's way. Asami tilted his head slightly before ordering "Kirishima secure him – make sure he can't move then come with me. Suoh you will stay and make sure he can't get free" with that Asami leaned against the wall and watched Akihito struggle with futile efforts; which only lead to exhausting himself more. Once Kirishima had finished Asami turned to leave only to find a massive man stood outside the door.

The newcomer had feline ears and was muscular judging by the way his clothing hung upon his body. His tail looped against itself as he growled "So you are Asami? I must thank you for finding my son, and do not think of attempting to stop me from taking what belongs to me" the large man then pushed Asami aside only to be faced with the gun Suoh pulled out from inside his coat "You claim to be his father? Well now isn't this interesting! And whoever said you can take what belongs to me?" Asami growled as he withdrew his own gun and aimed it at the man's back. It was then a hand descended down upon his weapon and he was disarmed the same time he was pinned to the wall. "Try that again bastard and I'll rip that arm off!" the second man was slightly smaller than the first man but just as strong in appearance. The second man turned his attention then to Akihito who was still being constricted "Hey runt, which fucking rock have you been hiding under these last ten years?" growled the second. Akihito flinched as the first man growled "Ginryu, stop that; since we will have plenty of time to discipline Akihito for his betrayal later" smirked the older man.

"Yes father" he replied with a respectful bow of the head in his father's direction before he smirked again at Akihito. Before anyone could do anything the large man came up to Akihito balled his fist, and pummelled Akihito; the young feline growled on impact as his eyes dulled. Asami watched in amusement as Akihito suddenly seemed to expand, as his body pulled at the restraints. Before a loud snap could be heard and they saw him rise to his full height. His head was lowered and he growled menacingly at his father who watched with vested interest. "Hey father, be careful, last time you hit him like that he lost it and ripped your arm apart" laughed Ginryu, but his smile faded when Akihito lunged. His large body slammed into the older Takaba and caused the larger man to stumble. But what happened next shocked everyone; Akihito's large fangs aimed straight at his father's throat. His father raised an arm but still both his arm and neck was locked into Akihito's mouth. The young cat growled dangerously as it began to apply pressure and his fangs began to scrape through the skin. Ginryu ran up behind his father and tried grabbing Akihito's jaws but he failed in trying to prise them open. That's when a third man entered the room and lifted a silver stick to his mouth. Asami, Kirishima and Suoh watched in fascination as the third man blew the stick; and Akihito released his father and began to cower on the floor his tail curved down and flowed around his legs whilst he tried to flatten his body as low to the ground as possible. Ginryu took the opportunity to kick Akihito as he turned his attention to his father.

Coughing slightly the older Takaba gently turned "I'm sorry you had to see that, but we only came to take him back. Since you have been taking such good care of him I will give you a favour. If you need anyone eliminating quickly we will be available for you – however my offer is only valid once. Should you require us ask for Gozaboro; that's all you need to know." And with that the third man came forward with a thick and heavy looking chain entwined around his arm, which he secured in a choke hold around Akihito's neck. "Hey how come Kaname gets the right to drag his sorry butt back home?" whined Ginryu as his father Gozaboro walked out the room. "He gets to do it since he brought the fucking whistle which you forgot, you imbecile" Gozaboro sighed as he walked past Asami and before Asami could do anything Ginryu dropped a shining capsule on the floor "See you losers around sometime – hope we get to play!" with that the capsule exploded filling the corridor with thick white smoke and Asami, Kirishima and Suoh could only hear the laughter of the crazed cat disappearing into the smoke.

Asami had his men search the area for the last hour but when it became absolutely clear that no trace of the snow leopard family was left behind he then turned to Suoh "Find out how to contact Gozaboro immediately and report back with your findings – and make it as quick as possible I have unfinished business with those bastards" growled Asami as Suoh made a small bow and left rapidly to comply with his orders. Kirishima approached with a grim look on his face "That whistle was a modified dog whistle, but I'm wondering why Takaba-sama behaved the way he did" he stated as he pushed his glasses further up the bridge of his nose as he sighed. Asami glanced at his old friend and said "Did you see him Kirishima? He was so beautiful – and those murderous emotions that control him when he is terrified are truly amazing. I must have him back!" demanded Asami as he took his phone out of his pocket and hit speed dial. "Well hello Asami, never thought I would hear from you so soon!" drawled Fei Long on the other end of the line.

"Yes well I'm calling in the debt you owe me. Come to Sion and bring only Yoh with you – be there in thirty minutes otherwise I shall add on interest to your debt!" Asami smirked as he heard Fei Long growl on the other end of the line and cursing him with a long line of expletives in Chinese. "Fei Long need I remind you that Chinese is just one of the many languages I am privy to?" quizzed Asami as his lupine eyes glowed a deep golden hue with shimmering dark brown lacerations deviating the colour in places. "Yes I am well aware of how well travelled you are" stated Fei Long skirting around trying not to say how much you have gotten around. Hanging up Asami placed his coat over his shoulder as both he and Kirishima strolled to the parked limo and drove back to Sion.

Akihito groaned as he felt the cold seep through his skin. Skin? Akihito's eyes shot open to the realisation he had taken on human form again, making him realise his father had given him something. He became aware of a creaking sound just behind him that his feline ears picked up but before he could react he felt the arm go around his neck and start compressing his throat and squeezing the life out of him. His claws scratched against the padded arm as he tried desperately to shake the grip off "Keep struggling runt!" growled Ginryu from behind him, never releasing his grip. Akihito gasped for breath as he tried to make his voice heard "" his voice pleaded before his rage took over once again and his claws began to rip through the padded armour as though it was made of butter; his voice dripped with venom "Get your fucking filthy hands off me, before I rip you to fucking pieces"

Ginryu smirked as he kicked his younger brother away from him with a look of disgust when a second voice entered the room. "Stop this at once Ginryu, the filth will just contaminate you!" this new person Akihito recognised immediately his slitted eyes glared at his eldest brother. Akihito's tail twitched as it swiped across the floor to wrap against his leg, his claws dug grooves into the solid concrete floor of the basement. Kaname was the next to enter and he had that god forsaken whistle on him again, Akihito watched it dangle between Kaname's thumb and forefinger. "Don't be mean brother – you may be older than me by two hours but even I have the sense not to piss Aki off" smiled Kaname, but his smile caused Akihito to shiver as his three brothers stood talking about him as though he was no more than a wall ornament.

"Enough!" growled Gozaboro to his sons as he stepped into the room with a whip dangling from his right hand. Akihito watched his father enter the room and saw his brothers' retreat to watch the proceedings from against the wall. "Do not think to lie to me Akihito!" growled his father as he turned to face the youngest Takaba. Akihito began to shake involuntarily as his father approached him closer until he stopped two feet away. "Why did you leave?" was the first question Gozaboro asked. Akihito's eyes grew wide as he glanced from his father to the whip and back again. "No matter what I say he intends to punish me for disobeying" thought Akihito to himself as he looked at the ground. When he didn't give an answer his father grew agitated his arm flexed upwards as he growled "You did not answer fast enough – and don't you dare look away from me" Akihito heard the whistle of the air curving around the whip as it came down and lashed his shoulder and down his back. Akihito's back arched and he growled as he panted from the pain inflicted upon him. "Tch!" Akihito hissed as he slowly raised his eyes to meet his father, taking a moment to steady himself Akihito spoke "I left as I didn't want to kill anyone. I wanted to do photography but you are so stubborn in the old ways you wouldn't listen to what I wanted to do with my life" this earned Akihito another whipping this time he was lashed twice; he could vaguely hear Ginryu in the background hissing with laughter. Stealing a quick glance to his brothers he saw Ginryu and Hiroto watching the discipline avidly whilst Kaname had turned his face away from the deplorable act.

Akihito secretly wished for just one of his brothers to speak up for him but knew they didn't have the balls to do so. After taking several more lashes to his body; Akihito could feel his blood flowing in small streams down his back, chest and arms and felt light headed at the pain his body was in. Not once did Akihito scream out for his father to stop, and neither did he respond; although it took his full control to stay in complete command of his rage. Akihito slumped to the ground as his body heaved and he struggled to breathe properly. Kaname turned to his younger brother and smiled as he addressed his father "You should stop now father – before you go too far" it was then Ginryu smiled sadistically as he stepped forward and playfully punched his second oldest brother in the arm. "Don't worry Kana, mother has yet to see him!" at the mention of their mother Hiroto turned "Ginryu, you didn't tell her we found that filthy bastard did you? You know full well how much mother despises him"

It was then thundering steps could be heard coming from the stairway leading to the basement room. The door burst open and in came the young group's mother. Kasumi glared at her sons as she took in the sight of Akihito hunched over gasping for breath with Gozaboro stood over him, the whip in his hand dripping blood down its length and onto the surface of the floor. Before anyone could halt Kasumi she screamed at the top of her voice "GET OUT HALFBREED, YOU RUINED MY FUCKING LIFE. DIE!" Kasumi tightened her grip upon Akihito's neck. Her snow leopard spots glimmering on her arms as her ears pinned back, she had almost lifted Akihito clear of the floor. Akihito had always known his mother hated him but he had never known to what extent. Well now he did, and it crushed his heart more than anything he lifted a weak hand to stroke against her cheek as he muttered slowly to her "Its o...ok. I wa...wa...was nev...ver wanted" coughed Akihito as his mother slammed him to the ground and crushed her foot upon his chest "Tch!" hissed Akihito as his mother growled "Don't touch me with those filthy hands!"

A thundering bang rocked the basement room causing small bits of debris to fall from the ceiling and small amounts of dust got shaken loose. The gathered family could hear the shouts of people in the rooms above them. And the sound of feet running along the floor above brought more dust to fall.

After arriving at Sion, Asami sat comfortably behind his desk listening to Suoh give his report on Gozaboro; which turned out to be very little other than the fact Suoh had spread the word Asami wished to see him. Suoh's underground followers had spread out to help as Suoh returned to give Asami the news. The massive bear couldn't escape the wild glare Asami cast at him as he recounted his actions for the last half hour. By the time he had finished Asami had his ears straight upright in vested interest and his eyes gleamed with a dark golden hue as the yakuza thought about everything that had happened. Fei Long arrived with Yoh in tow. The large black panther slipped into the room, his body held contained behind his white suit and his black tail and long flowing hair whipped around him with every movement, his feline ears pulled back showing his displeasure in having to come to Asami. His hand clenched a tumbler containing a triple shot of whiskey.

Before Asami had a chance to speak, Fei Long had sauntered forward and slipped himself into the closest seat to him; the pale skin on his face held a slight crimson hue due to his intolerance of alcohol. Asami smirked at seeing his long time nemesis looking ever so slightly dishevelled. Instead of wasting time Asami turned picked up his glass and downed his fully refreshed drink of scotch in one go and turned to face Fei Long. "I'm calling in one of the many debts you have acquired with me. You will help me get back my precious little pet that was taken from me." Fei Long tilted his head slightly as he glanced to Asami "I do not wish to know with whom you have made a sex friend of, just tell me something" stated Fei Long and when Asami sighed at him he continued "Is he good?"

This resulted in causing Yoh to splutter and cough and Asami smiled evilly at this as he addressed Fei Long "Will you please not use my pet to torment your own. You can't tell me Yoh doesn't keep you up all night – or is it the other way around?" he questioned. Fei Long gasped at Asami, his claws gauging the chair arms as he growled out "That's none of your fucking business who tops between us" rather abruptly upon saying that Fei Long became a vivid crimson as his blush deepened with embarrassment. It was as the duo continued to boast about their partners, when Asami's phone began to ring with an annoying insistency.

"Asami speaking!" he stated as he held his hand up calling for silence in the room. His eyes caught on Kirishima leaning into Suoh's side slightly as though taking comfort from the massive bear and he smirked as he announced "Ah! Gozaboro-san. Forgive my rudeness at how I contacted you but you left me with no number to speak with you. That favour you have given me – I'm calling it in" listening to the voice on the other end of the line Asami politely agreed. "Yes that's right. I did say I owed you a single favour. How would you like it to be used?" replied Gozaboro with a voice that sound like silk but was laced with poison. "I have decided I would like to visit your home and talk business contracts, after all you will get no bigger a client than I am; who will give you everything as long as you do as I command. What do you say, especially since this is the only favour I wish for?" spoke Asami with such a deadly voice that Kirishima, Suoh, Yoh and Fei Long all flinched at Asami and his violent voice backed up by his eyes full of a murderous aura.

Gozaboro seemed to consider Asami's request and Asami thought the elder Takaba had disconnected the call when the older man spoke "Very well I shall grant your request at a meeting. In five minutes you will received a message stating the time and place – make sure you are not late, I hate tardiness!" grumbled the older feline as the line beeped and went dead. True to his word Gozaboro texted the information on the destination and time to Asami's phone. "Well the foolish little kitten took the bait. Everyone I do believe it is time to hunt now!" growled Asami as he gave Kirishima the details of the place and the group of five dangerous animals stalked from Sion and into the sleek black limousine parked behind the club. Kirishima drove the vehicle at expert speed thanking his own mentality for taking the advanced driving lessons. After just an hour the car pulled up to a large manor house with its own grounds and gated drive way. However the number of cars to pass through the gates wasn't what any of the Takaba family's guards had expected. After the limo had been allowed through, ten large black four by four cars pulled in behind and kept close formation to the limo.

Once all the vehicles had come to a standstill and at least thirty men where stood around both of their bosses, the security moved. A massive fist fight ensued and quickly the forces of Asami and Fei Long had quelled the uprising. As the group spread out to search the manor Asami's group headed for the main room. Upon entering they saw a nervous human maid squeezing herself against the wall with her eyes scrunched up. Asami approached and forced the young woman to look at him by tilting her head upwards with his thumb and forefinger upon her chin, but his grip was far from delicate. His eyes shone with danger as he growled "Where has the rat hidden himself; and do not think of covering for them or else you will find I will kill you in a more than pleasurable way. However you will not think so though!"

The young woman struggled to stay upright as her knees began to shake violently beneath her as Fei Long came up behind Asami. "Now Asami! Play nice; don't treat the little human with such distaste. She's such a delicate little thing, her neck would snap with just the flick of your finger" emphasised Fei Long as he stroked his hand against the young woman's neck. She groaned as she begged hastily "P...please s...s...spare me. I c...can you wh...where master w...went!" Asami released the young woman with a satisfied smirk as she ran forward to the main hall. Everyone followed her as they watched the men run around causing a ruckus; the maid led them to a library that had a second door in it set against the back wall directly facing the main doorway they had just come through. The walls were full of massive bookcases that stretched up to the ceiling from the floor and housed thousands of books.

Pushing open the door the maid stepped aside and with a flourish of her arm she stated "The masters are down in basement two, just keep following the stairs down and you will find them. Basement two is the training room" before they could stop her; the maid bolted as fast as lightning out of the room and fled the house, vowing to never step foot there again.

Asami took the lead flanked by Kirishima and Suoh and followed by Fei Long and Yoh whom walked side by side all the way down. Reaching the bottom of the stair case the small group came upon a secondary door and Asami stepped back "Suoh, if you wouldn't mind doing the honours" asked Asami with a flourish of his hand towards the door. Suoh smirked as he seemed to bunch his muscles together and stepped backward slightly. His bear ears twitched and his energy burst. He came forward and the door didn't stand a chance as it shattered on impact with the thundering bear who continued his charge straight into the room beyond. Asami smirked as he stepped through the remnants carefully followed by Kirishima muttering "You've don't it again – you used too much strength you klutz of a bear"

Fei Long and Yoh both stepped through eyeing what remained of the door frame and small fragments of door that just barely held on to the said frame. It was then they saw the gathering of snow leopards and the smaller one that was crushed beneath the foot of the overbearing woman above him didn't so much as flinch when Asami growled "Take you foot off of him – before you end up with no feet at all!" his eyes shone in the dim lighting of the training room. He noticed from the corner of his eye that both Suoh and Kirishima were taking in the details of the room. Exercise machines of various types adorned the walls and the room had soft padding on the floor in the furthest left corner. But in the middle of the room were chains hanging from the ceiling which Akihito was connected to. Asami grew enraged seeing his young partner trapped like that and unable to look at his own family through fear and his desperate attempt to protect them from his rage.

Asami knew instantly his young lover was struggling for control. Ginryu stepped forward and gripped Asami's coat in his claws only for Suoh to grab him and pin the cat against his body with his muscles flexed at the man's throat, threatening to strangle him. Kaname still stood leaning with disinterest in the events however his eyes had taken to staring at Akihito curled up beneath their mother's feet. Hiroto growled warningly at Suoh's bruising grip on his second youngest brother and his mind decided in a split second and he charged; only to be confronted by the guard dog that was Kirishima. His large tail swayed as he pulled out his gun and aimed it with the muzzle against the forehead of Hiroto. "Take one more step towards my partner and I will not hesitate to blow a hole in the middle of your head – let's face it; at this range I will not miss!" he growled as Suoh began to laugh. "Hey Kirishima, since when have you ever missed a shot in your whole life?" Suoh's laugh began to sound as though he was barking whilst Asami continued to stare down the mad woman currently standing on his beloved wildcat.

Kasumi didn't care about the men who had just invaded her home as Akihito was her major distraction. It was then Fei Long stepped forward and bowed gracefully to her as he suddenly lifted his eyes and lunged. He gripped her and expertly pinned her arms behind her back "Oh, my dear! Do you have any idea how pissed you have gotten my friend over there by standing on someone who belongs to him?" Fei Longs eyes flicked down to the young blond haired boy. His hazel eyes fought for sanity whilst giving off a deadly glare. "Well now, Asami certainly has found himself an amusing new toy" he thought to himself as his eyes stared down at him. Akihito didn't like the way the new man stared at him but from his photo-journalist job he recognised him instantly. Fei Long was the man who held the position of head of the food chain in China. He and Asami had or still were rivals from everything he had eventually learned about the two of them. Of course from everything he had found out about the two – he knew when they teamed up together no one could get in the way.

Gozaboro had moved to his right slightly as he pressed a button on the command consol in his left hand and the whirring of motors could be heard kicking into life when the chains binding Akihito by the neck began to rattle as they slowly lifted him at first onto his feet. But then they continued to lift him up until he was hanging by his neck a foot off the ground. Asami realised Akihito's dangerous predicament and rushed to his aid. Yoh got to Akihito first and gripped the young man lifting his body slightly so the chain didn't compress the youngster's neck. "Asami-sama I've got him don't worry, get the bastard who is hurting him, after all isn't that why you came?" stated Yoh as he tightened his grip on Akihito so he wouldn't slip. Asami turned and attacked Gozaboro, and this time he was going to kill him for hurting his own son. "What kind of father are you; trying to harm your own flesh and blood?" growled an incensed Asami as he slammed his fist into Gozaboro, knocking the older Takaba to the floor. Before the man could get up Asami was on him in a flash, his ears pulled back and tail slightly puffed and his claws drove into the skin of Gozaboro's neck and left wrist.

Gozaboro growled and snapped his teeth at Asami's face and Asami responded by bringing his knee up and jamming it into the ribs of the older man. "Your biggest and last mistake was hurting my Akihito!" growled Asami when he heard a grunt from behind him and a shout from the impassive man called Kaname "Mother...NO!" turning Asami had just enough time to see a flash of silver before an arc of red burst into the air. Fei Long was doubled over one hand clenched against his stomach as blood slowly dripped from between his fingers. Manic laughter burst into the frozen room as the deluded woman raised the knife once more when a keening growl tore through the air. It felt to everyone as though the temperature had just dropped several degrees all at once. One minute Kasumi was bringing her arm up to strike again and the next moment Akihito's eyes flashed; everyone saw the pained hazel colour get interspersed with red until eventually all that remained was a deep crimson hue that screamed death and were at the same time dull.

Kasumi didn't have the time to get away; the thin body of the boy had morphed into a gigantic white mass that ripped the chains apart, the black collar bound painfully tight to the broad neck it now adorned. Pale white fur became laced with ebony spots that went the length of the body and the massive claws and fangs glinted dangerously in the dim lighting. A growl unlike any the group had ever heard escaped the throat of the enraged beast. Hiroto yelled "Kaname use the whistle, we have to stop him!" when Kaname lifted and blew on the whistle; it no longer had an effect on the massive feline that now stalked their mother. Kasumi did the only option she had left, she turned and ran. Akihito was on top of her before any of them could stop him. His fangs ripped into her shoulder and his claws shredded her back. His huge form was so blinded by rage and his body emanated such extreme power even Asami was worried for his young wildcat.

"Akihito, it's ok! Stop, let her go Akihito. She's your mother – even if she doesn't act like it. Come Akihito, let me take you away" Asami tried to soothe his enraged lover but Akihito wasn't having any of it. His growl threatened to rip even Asami apart as the dim eyes glanced his way. Asami had the distinct feeling his young lover wanted him to just leave him be. "Akihito..." Asami tried to speak when a dark voice rang into the room.

"Gozaboro, you son of a bitch. What the fuck have you done? I have never seen Akihito so enraged before; especially with all the shit you put him through." The old gentleman who had just come in took from his pocket a small wooden stick that had holes drilled into it and a long piece of rope hung from it. Allowing the pole to fall down his side the elder man called out "Akihito, it's ok, you have to calm down now before you regret doing something beyond your control" and with that the old man began to swing the stick in circles creating a soothing whistling sound as the air rapidly rushed through the holes. "It's time to wake up Akihito" said the old man as the young feline perked his ears and turned to face him. Akihito watched curiously before he felt his body begin to heal itself as his rage calmed down and his eyes slowly began to shine once again.

Asami watched as the old man soothed Akihito in a way he had never thought he would see. Akihito released his mother and stepped up to the old gentleman and gently nuzzled up to him, stroking his body against the old man's legs. "Father..." said Gozaboro but the old man cut him off "Enough Gozaboro, you disgust me. You have tortured this boy and when he finally found his freedom you dragged him back. I am not your father any longer; you will call me Genosuke until I tell you otherwise." With a disgusted look Genosuke turned his attention to Akihito. The youngest feline shimmered as he pushed his muzzle into the palm of Genosuke's hand. Before Asami could have a chance to speak out; without looking Genosuke spoke "Yes I already know whom you are Asami Ryuuichi. The question I have for you is – why are you here?" Asami retorted rapidly before he could keep himself in check. "I am here to retrieve my Akihito. And you will not get in my way Genosuke-san." Asami stated blankly as he glared at the old man. Genosuke began to smirk until he was outright laughing. When his laughter died down he turned and headed for the door Akihito was by his side every step as Genosuke kept his hand on Akihito's head. Asami, Kirishima, Suoh, Fei Long and Yoh followed after the head of the family and eventually found themselves seated in the traditional sitting room. Akihito was taller than the old man when he was seated. Asami just kept marvelling at the beauty of his young wildcat. Genosuke saw this and said "I was right, you came not to claim a possession but a lover. But I want to know if you have noticed anything about your young love?" asked the kind old man.

Asami considered his question before he answered "You mean like how Akihito is taller than any other snow leopard and how he is pure white unless he gets excited and his spots show up. Or even how he loses his temper easily?" Genosuke smirked at Asami as he stated "You have seen everything of him and yet you still love him enough to come after him?" Asami never tried to stop himself as his mouth opened and the single word of "Yes" escaped and caused everyone gathered to gasp and splutter on drinks they had been in the process of swallowing.

"Ahahaha" Laughed Genosuke as he stroked Akihito's head "It would seem you have found yourself a true partner Akihito, a soul mate whom would share everything you experience in your lives together." Taking a sip of his tea Genosuke's eyes then turned deadly as he faced Asami "I will give Akihito to you, take him away – and never let him fall into this darkness again. You have raised him into the light and I expect him to stay there Asami." Asami smiled kindly at the old head "I will give you a means to contact me so only you may come and see him" with that Kirishima, the ever faithful secretary stepped forward and produced a card "Use this to gain access to Sion; Asami-sama's club, it also holds Asami-sama's number on the back." Before Kirishima could ask Genosuke pocketed the card and stated "Thank you young man, I shall keep it safely on me at all times." Turning back to Asami, Genosuke stated "I will tell you why Akihito acts the way he does and why his body responds the way it does." Watching the group gathered he dismissed the servants and only when the door had closed did he continued.

"Akihito is not Gozaboro's child. Kasumi had gone out with some of her friends on one of her night outings. Only this time it turned our family on its head. It was on that night she got raped. It wasn't until a month later after she had recovered from the assault that it happened. She found out that she carried her attacker's child – after all she and Gozaboro had not been intimate in a month and a half. She tried everything to kill the child but nothing worked. She carried him full term and when she gave birth the family saw a pure white snow leopard. Everyone; including myself, thought he was albino because of what Kasumi had done to try and terminate her pregnancy but when his eyes opened and where hazel we knew something was wrong. His blood was tested and it revealed something that decided his fate. He was full snow leopard bloodline but his DNA contained strands of wolf in him. Every time Akihito became excited his spots would become visible and his mood changed drastically – as you have witnessed this night. Akihito from the moment of his birth was threatened and castigated on a daily basis by not only his parents but also his siblings. The only one who would treat him as a normal boy was Kaname – but only when he thought no one was looking. And know you know Akihito's shameful past; I call it shameful because of what my idiot son and his family have put him through." With that Genosuke turned to look away, too ashamed to show his face any longer. "Do you think I care about that? Akihito is the most beautiful existence in my life and I will protect him as his lover.You have no reason to be ashamed of the actions of that bastard"

Genosuke seemed to consider Asami's response before he lifted his hand from Akihito's head "Akihito" Akihito lifted his head as his grandfather spoke to him "If you love this man, then go to him. Allow him to take you away, let him become the protection you should have had all along and finally turn your back on your past and walk into the future with Asami." Akihito growled at his grandfather's words and rose to his feet. As he padded silently over to Asami he stepped past him but then turned and rested his head on Asami's shoulder and his throat began to vibrate as he purred against him, pressing his body into Asami's back.

Asami became turned on from Akihito being so affectionate to him, and he found his young wildcat to be extremely sexy at that moment. Genosuke smiled at the young pair and stated "I have plenty of spare rooms within my home. I will have you all given rooms as it is too late to leave and return home. Asami you will be in Akihito's old room" the old man smiled softly as he knew the men were simply too tired to defy his request.

After receiving the request from the elderly Takaba, Asami finally turned his lupine eyes upon Genosuke. The gentleman had a black suit on and long white hair tied back in a plait, the fastening had a bell attached to it. He had a moustache that covered only a thin line upon his top lip giving him a rather refined appearance, whilst the rest of his face appeared clean shaven. He had neatly manicured nails and the stick he had used to calm Akihito was neatly perched against his side. His fur on his ears had long white whiskers extending out at odd angles and his tail had a few kinks in places as though it had been broken and had not healed properly. This added to a strange quirkiness of the old man as he had a fluorescent orange tie hanging loose around his neck that gave an added effect of making the deep hazel hued eyes looking more deadly than the calm emotions the elder was giving off. Asami then understood Akihito had gotten his grandfathers eyes.

Unable to suppress a tired sigh from escaping his mouth Asami smiled "Come Akihito. Let us retire for the evening. Good night Genosuke-san." As Asami rose to his feet Akihito tilted his head in a comedic gesture as though he was enquiring where Asami intended to go. Genosuke laughed at the coy behaviour Akihito was exhibiting and he too rose and stoked Akihito's head softly. Akihito's fur bristled at the touch; his black spots seemed to quiver as his fur pulsed along his back. "Akihito take your partner to your room, so that you may both try to get at least some rest" smirked the older man knowingly, causing him to get whipped lightly by Akihito's tail. Akihito lifted himself onto all four of his feet and approached Asami. He nuzzled his snout into Asami's palm; and as he pulled away he licked his hand gently. Asami smiled at his young lover and stroked his hand down Akihito's back as his young lover went to walk past him; and entwined his fingers around the end of his tail as he allowed himself to be led from the sitting room by Akihito and up to the second floor of the manor.

At the end of the corridor Asami became aware of intricate looking double doors which his partner came to a standstill in front of. "Is this our room?" questioned Asami, to which Akihito responded with a low non-menacing growl and a quick incline of the head towards the doors. Asami moved forward and gently tried the handle and found the door parted easily to allow the pair to pass through. Once inside Asami wasn't in the least surprised that he saw no pictures of family or friends that Akihito may have treasured; especially now he knew of his young lovers past. After all being locked up by people whom were supposed to care deeply for you must have hurt more than the deepest wound. Asami however noticed that the bed was decent enough; it was a four poster bed with rich red velvet curtains hanging from it. After surveying the room some more; to the amusement of the feline Akihito a curt knock sounded at the door. Asami rose when Akihito hid away from sight and answered. A maid stood perfectly framed by the left hand door Asami had chosen to open. She bowed politely before pushing her hands forward "Master Genosuke has sent me with some of his old clothing for you Asami-sama, since the master knew you could not possibly borrow any of the young master's clothing. I bid thee a pleasant night Asami-sama!" and with that the maid deposited the clothing into Asami's hands and bowed for a second time before she turned and rather abruptly made her exit.

Asami turned and shut the door making sure he once again locked it behind him. Placing the clothing upon the bed, Akihito came up and sat in front of him; placing his lower jaw upon Asami's knee to rest his head as he watched Asami examine the clothing. A set of laundered pyjamas were neatly folded on top of a luxurious thick Egyptian cotton bath robe. And the night clothing rested on a carefully wrapped suit in a dust protector. Unzipping it Asami found an Diamond Edition suit that had diamonds embedded within the design; and it was a suit that he knew would suit him well, after reading the size labels he found the suit to be his perfect size.

Akihito growled suddenly not liking that fact Asami was paying the clothes his grandfather sent more attention than he was getting. Asami smirked at his young lover as he set aside the clothing onto the top of the dressing unit. Akihito watched Asami move from the bed and watched his older lover "Urgh! I can't believe I just referred to him as my lover; what has gotten into me recently – I'm always thinking of Asami lately" thought Akihito to himself as he remembered wishing Asami would take him away from his family and he remembered feeling if only Asami would keep him on a short lead; where he couldn't escape from. Asami slowly removed his jacket and his fingers laced into the loop of his tie and he began to pull it loose, dropping the items onto the chair next to the dresser. Next came his shirt, removed excruciatingly slowly for Akihito's tastes; Asami purposely teased his young lover by stroking the shirt down his toned chest and slipping it off his arms so it hung perfectly off his hands and that too joined the tie and jacket on the chair. Asami slipped his thumbs into the curve of his body after unzipping his trousers and deftly removed both his trousers and his underwear at the same time and deposited them along with the rest of his clothing. Sauntering towards the bed he sat down and raised his hand.

His encounter this time with Akihito would be entirely different, as right at this moment his young lover was currently trapped in his sleek black spotted and glistening white body of his snow leopard form. Akihito jumped up onto the bed and brushed against Asami, unable to resist the lupine man's mysterious charms. Asami stroked Akihito's body feeling the fine fur beneath his fingers shudder at his touch. "Akihito turn away from my and lower down. Expose yourself to me and I will give you my present to your for wrecking my home" smirked Asami. A rumbling growl emitted from Akihito as he complied with Asami's command. His ass was stuck in the air as he lowered his forearms down and placed his head between his paws; acting just like a female in heat. Asami watched as Akihito twitched slightly when Asami gripped his tail with a gentle tug and raised the tip up to his lips. Asami's ears jutted forward showing his lust whilst his own tail swirled in excitement and anticipation at what was to come. Asami gently kissed the tip of Akihito's tail before he took it into his mouth and began to suck upon it. Akihito gasped and shifted slightly; it was a feeling he had never experienced and he wasn't sure if he liked it as it sent waves of intense heat pulsing through his body. Asami noticed his Akihito struggle before he used his free hand to hold Akihito down by the back of his neck. Akihito growled as Asami amused himself with pushing Akihito to the limit just by teasing his tail. Akihito stiffened suddenly and Asami knew he had brought him close to climaxing. His own cock had become a hardened rod that begged for attention; but Asami would refrain from amusing himself as he wanted to come just from entering Akihito. Akihito growled deeply within his throat and Asami decided it was now or never since he didn't know if he would have this chance again. Removing Akihito's tail from his mouth, slicked with saliva he gripped it just a little more tightly and before Akihito had time to comprehend what had happened Asami thrust the tail into Akihito's tight puckered and twitching hole. Akihito jolted at the sudden intrusion and screeched as the tip of his tail unconsciously twisted inside of himself. "That bastard, how dare he use my own tail" thought Akihito to himself as the strength of his pleasure became heightened with the intrusion of his tail; and as Asami pushed his tail a little bit further inside Akihito, Akihito felt himself shudder and Asami watched in amusement as Akihito tensed as his body hit climax and he ejaculated upon the sheets beneath. Asami smirked at his young lover who suddenly growled more gutturally and tensed up further trying to stop the intrusion. Asami smiled "That was just part one of my pay back for you Akihito, although you have no idea how stimulating it was to see you come from your own tail being pushed into you." Asami then began to pull the appendage out of Akihito and watched it drip slightly before he then took up master position. His own straining manhood throbbed painfully for attention and Asami was going to relieve his pain all throughout the night; no matter if Akihito was awake or not. He had decided he would make Akihito realize what it would be like to be owned by Asami Ryuuichi.

Asami released his grip off the back of Akihito's neck and instead placed both of his hands in a bruising grip upon Akihito's feline hips. Once he was ready he embedded himself deep within Akihito causing the younger cat to cry out at the sudden intrusion to his body. After thrusting in so quick Asami allowed Akihito just a few minutes to adjust before he started moving. Each thrust from Asami into Akihito was deep and more powerful than the last and soon Akihito had come for a second time whilst Asami released his own growl of satisfaction as his cock expanded to fill Akihito and stop Asami from pulling out. Akihito cried out in pain, his tail wrapped itself around Asami as he felt the same uncomfortable expansion as the last coupling he had with Asami. Asami soothed Akihito with his gentle touches and stroking of his fur as his own fluids began to leak from Akihito when the swelling went down. Asami found his desire wasn't satiated and he began again with his deep thrusts and bruising holds on Akihito. at one point Asami even used the collar upon Akihito's neck to drive himself into Akihito deeper, strengthening heir connection with each thrust and every release to two shared together.

After a few hours of intense love making Akihito's legs would no longer support him and he collapsed dragging Asami down with him. Akihito roared in pain as Asami soon found himself howling at their final release before both of them lay side by side; Asami had his arms wrapped around Akihito comfortingly as Akihito found his body ached in severe discomfort at how many times Asami had roughly taken him and with every expansion of Asami's bulbus glandis inside him. "no matter how many time I have to endure that, it never gets easier. It's so damn painful" growled Akihito as this thought rushed into his head. With tired eyes he saw Asami with that infuriating smirk plastered on his face as his eyes drooped shut. Energy drained Asami watched as Akihito took on his human form once again and genuinely smiled as Akihito sought solace in the depths of Asami's chest.

However every time throughout the night both found themselves awake they became so immersed in each other and indulging each other sexually that by the time the clock on Akihito's bedside unit displayed ten in the morning they were simply too exhausted to get out of bed and decided it best to remain in each other's embrace for just that little bit longer, not wanting the new day they had literally embraced to separate them.

A/N: well its official this is the longest chapter I have written so far at 8,702 words. So I'm hoping this goes someway to repay everyone for their patience and hope you enjoy it.

I've had problems whilst trying to write this update as my work has undergone some seriously major changes. My boss got fired and replaced with a guy who listens to us (at last). Dealing with deciding who to ask for supplies ordering and then whilst writing the new chapter for everyone I accidentally deleted the update chapter for If Only We Had Listened To Each Other – so now I'm currently trying to rewrite what I have lost since I stupidly didn't back it up. Plus its taken days writing this one for Equivalent Sacrifice as a theme and some lines for a possible third story have recently come into my head.

I hope you all enjoy and thanks for the new followers and favourites to this story, and that I hope to post new chapter soon after dealing with my other story first.